Showing 1 - 10 of 45
We develop a general space–time filter applied to panel data models in order to control for heterogeneity as well as both time and spatial dependence. Treatment of initial period observations is analyzed when the number of time periods is small. A second issue relates to a restriction implied...
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This paper proposes a spatial panel model for German matching functions to avoid possibly biased and inefficient estimates due to spatial dependence. We provide empirical evidence for the presence of spatial dependencies in matching data. Based on an official data set containing monthly...
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The standard LM tests for spatial dependence in linear and panel regressions are derived under the normality and homoskedasticity assumptions of the regression disturbances. Hence, they may not be robust against non-normality or heteroskedasticity of the disturbances. Following Born and Breitung...
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In this paper I estimate the spatial diffusion of housing prices across U.S. states over a period from 1975 to 2011, showing how long and to what magnitude state-level housing prices are affected by a price shock emanating from surrounding states. I capture the spatial diffusion of regional...
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This paper studies the regional distribution of benefits from trade in Mexico after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Specifically, we ask whether or not NAFTA increased the concentration of economic activity in Mexico. Unlike previous work which uses state-level data, we identify...
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Higher-order spatial econometric models that include more than one weights matrix have seen increasing use in the spatial econometrics literature. There are two distinct issues related to the specification of these extended models. The first issue is what form the higher-order spatial...
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The recent progress of spatial econometrics has developed a new technique called the “spatial hedonic approach,” which considers the elements of spatial autocorrelation among property values and geographically distributed attributes. The practical difficulties in applying spatial econometric...
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This paper investigates nonlinearity in parametric spatial process models that incorporate regime-switching by means of a smooth transition autoregressive process. We derive a Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for nonlinearity as well as several joint LM tests for nonlinearity and the traditional...
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Governments are widely perceived as competing for capital by choosing parameters in a multi-dimensional policy space. We consider the choice of a business tax rate as well as a productive public input by local governments and estimate a model of strategic interaction in both policy instruments....
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In 2001 the state of Minnesota reduced the weights assigned to non-residential property in local property tax bases, which increased residents' price of raising property tax revenue and affords the opportunity to identify the tax price elasticity of local tax revenues and expenditures. Results...
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