Showing 1 - 10 of 31
The recent progress of spatial econometrics has developed a new technique called the “spatial hedonic approach,” which considers the elements of spatial autocorrelation among property values and geographically distributed attributes. The practical difficulties in applying spatial econometric...
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The purpose of this paper is to explain the decentralization process of an urban spatial structure in terms of the strategic interactions between firms. For that purpose, we expand the Hotelling model of a linear city to incorporate two aspects of the urban spatial structure, namely, the...
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Housing markets typically exhibit a strong positive correlation between the rate of price increase and the number of houses sold. We document this correlation on high-quality Dutch data for the period 1985–2007, and estimate a VEC-model that allows us to study the mechanism giving rise to the...
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This study estimates a household's willingness to pay to avoid the stigma of crime while minimizing concerns of omitted variable bias. By assuming methamphetamine producers locate approximately at random within a narrowly defined neighborhood, this study is able to use hedonic estimation methods...
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This paper uses Hierarchical Bayes Models to model and estimate spatial health effects in Germany. We combine rich individual-level household panel data from the German SOEP with administrative county-level data to estimate spatial county-level health dependencies. As dependent variable we use...
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In this paper, we first generalize an approximate measure of spatial dependence, the APLE statistic (Li et al., 2007), to a spatial Durbin (SD) model. This generalized APLE takes into account exogenous variables directly and can be used to detect spatial dependence originating from either a...
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We develop a general space–time filter applied to panel data models in order to control for heterogeneity as well as both time and spatial dependence. Treatment of initial period observations is analyzed when the number of time periods is small. A second issue relates to a restriction implied...
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Over the last two decades, China has embarked on an ambitious program of expressway network expansion. By facilitating market integration, this program aims to promote efficiency at the national level and contribute to the catch-up of lagging inland regions. This paper evaluates the short-run...
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Researchers using directed network data to estimate peer effects must somehow handle unreciprocated nominations. To better understand how peer effects operate and how best to estimate their effects, this paper investigates how the reciprocation of friendship mediates peer effects. We begin by...
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In this paper, we consider the Cox-type tests of non-nested hypotheses for spatial autoregressive (SAR) models with SAR disturbances. We formally derive the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics. In contrast to regression models, we show that the Cox-type and J-type tests for...
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