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to be incompatible with the fact that the bulk of many high-proffile managers' compensation is in the form of various …
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We study how information sharing between banks influences the geographical clustering of branches. A spatial oligopoly …
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In this paper we present some new results for the dynamic agent model by Iossa and Rey (2014, "Building Reputation for Contract Renewal: Implications for Performance Dynamics and Contract Duration,'' Journal of the European Economic Association, 12, 549−574) while also correcting some errors...
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We consider discrete time dynamic principal--agent problems with continuous choice sets and potentially multiple agents. We prove the existence of a unique solution for the principal's value function only assuming continuity of the functions and compactness of the choice sets. We do this by a...
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This paper analyzes board independence and competence as distinct, but inextricably linked aspects of board effectiveness. Competent directors add shareholder value because they have better information about the quality of projects. While a CEO cares about shareholder value, he also wants his...
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firm to risk averse managers. The optimal contract has two main components: an incentive component corresponding to a non … and that maximizing the discounted sum of future dividends will be her objective. Linking managers' compensation to … overall economic performance is also required to make sure that managers use the appropriate stochastic discount factor to …
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Complementarity between performance pay and other organizational design elements has been argued to be one potential explanation for stark differences in the observed productivity gains from performance pay adoption. Using detailed data on internal organization for a nationally representative...
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We argue that risk sharing motivates the bank-wide structure of bonus pay. In the presence of financial frictions that make external financing costly, the optimal contract between shareholders and employees involves some degree of risk sharing whereby bonus pay partially absorbs earnings shocks....
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managers and convex compensation contracts. We show that convex incentives lead to significant equilibrium mispricing, but … strong or too weak and hurt investors as a whole. For example, investors' utility may be decreasing in the average managers …
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are conducive to asset gathering by investment managers, they do not appear to generate commensurate benefits for plan …
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