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rules aid the tractability of path-dependent tasks such as American option pricing in models where the underlying factors …
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We study the term structure of variance swaps, equity and variance risk premia. A model-free analysis reveals a significant price jump component in variance swap rates. A model-based analysis shows that investors' willingness to ensure against volatility risk increases after a market drop. This...
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for the American option price. Secondly, our method allows us to disentangle the contributions of jump and diffusion for … estimate a range of hyper-exponential specifications and investigate the implications for option pricing and jump …
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price of a CDS option can be uniformly approximated by polynomials in the factors. Multi-name models can produce … analysis validates the efficiency of the option price approximation method …
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Classical option pricing theories are usually built on the law of one price, neglecting the impact of market liquidity … term and skew structures of bid-ask spreads typically observed in option markets. We show how to implement such a …
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swaps, index option, stock index and bond. An empirical analysis uncovers robust features of the optimal investment strategy …
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We propose a novel time-changed L évy LIBOR market model for the joint pricing of caps and swaptions. The time changes are split into three components. The first component allows us to match the volatility term structure, the second generates stochastic volatility, and the third one...
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This paper provides a brief overview of the stochastic modeling of variance swap curves. Focus is on affine factor models. We propose a novel drift parametrization which assures that the components of the state process can be matched with any pre-speci fied points on the variance swap curve....
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We consider modeling errors in the hedging of a portfolio composed from BBB-rated bonds. By doing this, we open a new perspective to the debate on the relationship between corporate bonds and CDS spreads. We find that in ordinary times the added value of indexlinked credit derivatives is very...
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