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There is a large body of evidence indicating that cross-country differences in income levels are associated with differences in productivity. If workers are much more productive in one country than in another, restrictions on immigration lead to large efficiency losses. The paper quantifies...
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This paper studies the impact of income inequality on fiscal conservatism when an increase in inequality essentially affects the bottom of the income distribution. It is argued that, contrary to what is generally assumed in the economic literature, inequality will then be associated will less,...
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over 1899-1911, can be attributed to the dramatic inflow of migrants over this period. (Copyright: Elsevier) …
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We study the effects of German unification in a model with capital accumulation, skill differences and a welfare state. We argue that this event is similar to a mass migration of low-skilled agents holding no capital into a foreign country. Absent a welfare state, we observe an investment boom,...
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We present a dynamic model in which firms accumulate wealth to avoid bankruptcy and to overcome financing constraints that affect their fixed operational costs and the costs of becoming an exporter. Financing constraints not only affect firms directly when they are binding, but also indirectly,...
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, preventing extreme poverty from declining in the developing world. Under aversion to extreme poverty, one country's immigration …
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We ask whether worker mobility has undermined the ability of U.S. states to redistribute income. We build a tractable model where both migration decisions and redistribution policies are jointly determined. Our model features a large number of heterogeneous regions and skilled and unskilled...
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This paper develops a dynamic structural model of migration decisions that is aggregated to describe the behavior of interregional migration. Our structural approach allows us to deal with dynamic self-selection problems that arise from the endogeneity of location choice and the persistence of...
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In this paper, an explicit micro scenario is developed which yields a well-defined aggregate job matching function. In particular, a stochastic model of job-matching behavior is constructed in which the system steady state is shown to be approximated by an exponential-type matching function, as...
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We build a neo-classical growth model with overlapping dynasties and capital-skill complementarities to evaluate changes in immigration policy. Calibrating the model using U.S. data, we quantify the differential effects of skilled and unskilled immigration on factor returns and on the welfare of...
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