Showing 1 - 10 of 31
Recent cyclical episodes in the U.S. and G-7 economies are asymmetric: recoveries and expansions tend to be long and gradual and busts tend to be short and sharp. A large body of work views the two recent cyclical U.S. episodes, namely, the "new economy" boom in the late 1990s, and the 2000s...
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We study the welfare implications of uncertainty in business cycle models. In the modern business cycle literature, multiplicative real shocks to production and/or preferences play an important role as the impulses that produce aggregate fluctuations. Introducing shocks in this way has the...
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This paper formulates and estimates a three-shock US business cycle model. The estimated model accounts for a substantial fraction of the cyclical variation in output and is consistent with the observed inertia in inflation. This is true even though firms in the model reoptimize prices on...
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This paper uses the Triples test of Randles et al (1980) to detect asymmetries in US as well as international GDP fluctuations. The test does not detect any asymmetry in the distribution of the US GDP, which is consistent with previous empirical findings. However, significant asymmetries are...
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When capital-skill complementarity is present in the production process, changes in the skill premium are driven not only by changes in the ratio of unskilled- to skilled labor inputs (as they are in the case with Cobb-Douglas production), but also by changes in the capital-skill ratio. A simple...
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It is well known that if there are mild sector-specific externalities, then the steady state of the standard two-sector real business cycle model can become indeterminate and endogenous business cycles can arise. We show that this result is not robust to the introduction of standard...
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We examine the driving forces of G-7 business cycles. We decompose national business cycles into common and nation-specific components using a dynamic factor model. We also do this for driving variables found in business cycle models: productivity; measures of fiscal and monetary policy; the...
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We show that a model with knowledge capital can generate business cycles driven by expectations of future movement in total factor productivity (TFP). These cycles are characterized by a boom in which consumption, investment, output and hours-worked all rise in advance of any movement in TFP. We...
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We estimate a New-Neoclassical Synthesis business cycle model with two investment shocks. The first, an investment-specific technology shock, affects the transformation of consumption into investment goods and is identified with the relative price of investment. The second shock affects the...
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This paper presents a DGE model in which aggregate price level inertia is generated endogenously by the optimizing behaviour of price-setting firms. All the usual sources of inertia are absent here ie., all firms are simultaneously free to change their price once every period and face no...
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