Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Este artículo revisa las ideas de Coase sobre la metodología en economía a partir de su crítica de Friedman y las compara con ideas provenientes de otros campos. Argumenta que su adaptación de Kuhn es más apropiada para la economía en su forma actual que para la época de la que Coase...
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Este artículo examina el papel del conocimiento común en la formación de equilibrios estables y establece las bases teóricas para analizar su constitución y evolución. Retoma aportes de Elinor Ostrom y los complementa con las contribuciones de algunos autores institucionalistas. Intenta...
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Las fallas generalizadas y duraderas de la economía académica se deben a la excesiva confianza en métodos de análisis matemáticos inapropiados. Muchos economistas heterodoxos piensan que el problema central es una forma de ideología político-económica, que la disciplina va por mal camino...
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This article explains two enigmas related to the scientific career of Thomas C. Schelling, Nobel Price in Economics 2005: How to explain his capacity to always produce new ideas? Why have his multiple pioneer ideas had more impact on other social sciences and not on economics? The paper proposes...
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En este ensayo exploramos los supuestos epistemológicos y ontológicos que se adoptaron para que la ciencia política fuera “científica”. Mostramos que adoptó en general una filosofía ontológicamente reduccionista de la ciencia derivada de la física newtoniana. Este marco mecánico...
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Corruption is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The aim of this article is to open the “black box” of corrupt transactions using the framework of the New Institutional Economics. First, it examines “corrupt contracts”, the institutions that promote them, the mechanisms involved, the...
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Using bibliomterics and data mining tools, this article assess the performance of the Revista de Economía Institucional and identifies its strengths and weaknesses using eight evaluation criteria: level of specialization, research component, contribution to the popularization of science, role...
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This paper discusses how the theory on the role of institutions in development can be improved, by critically examining the current orthodox discourse on institutions. To understand the relationship between institutions and economic development, it is necessary to have some balance between...
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This paper analyzes institutionalism’s contributions to development theory, and shows the need for a greater integration for the creation of successful institutional development strategies. It identifies the levels of institutional analysis, highlighting its frequency of change, type of...
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This article presents a comparative analysis of the approaches of institutional economics and Walrasian economics. After reviewing the differences between both perspectives, it argues that institutional economics is an alternative, however incomplete, to general equilibrium economics. It...
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