Showing 1 - 8 of 8
[eng] Notes on capital labor substitution. . At an empirical level we provide evidence of the large substitution of capital for labor which took place in France during the last 25 years and we analyze the resulting evolutions of factor productivities. At a theoretical level we use a simple model...
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[fre] Hystérésis et piège du sous-développement dans un modèle de croissance endogène. . Nous reprenons le modèle canonique de Romer [1986] pour en préciser les propriétés d'hystérésis. Nous montrons ensuite comment l'introduction d'un effet de seuil dans ce modèle implique la...
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[eng] Saving, investment and mcwey in an intertemporal setting . Antoine D'autume, Philippe Michel. Following recent work of O. J. Blanchard and J. Sachs, we analyze perfect foresight equilibria in a model where both a producer and a consumer solve an intertemporal optimization problem. We show...
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[eng] Worksharing : from legal constraint to bargaining. . . The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of various worksharing policies on employment. The first part is devoted to a partial equilibrium analysis. A compulsory reduction in work hours, compulsory negotiation on hours, and...
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[eng] Joint production and general equilibrium theory . . As it invalidates the Non-Substitution Theorem the joint production assumption was bound to create some problems for NeoRicardian theory. Our aim is to show that most of the paradoxes encountered in this approach disappear if one is...
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[fre] Cet article présente une introduction critique à la nouvelle macro-économie classique, fondée sur l'hypothèse d'anticipations rationnelles. Nous reprenons un ensem­ble de modèles macro-économiques à la Sargent-Wallace pour analyser les thèmes caractéristiques de cette école et...
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