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The objective of this paper is to pursue an intuitive idea: for a consumer who represents an "unfavorable" health risk but an "excellent risk" as a driver, a multi-peril policy could be associated with a reduced selection effort on the part of the insurer. If this intuition should be confirmed,...
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Given that the insurance market is characterized by asymmetric information, its efficiency has traditionally been based …
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medical insurance. We find that both the level and the shape of the distribution of risk are important in determining the … equilibrium quantity of insurance. Symmetric changes in risk (e.g., shifts in the price of medical care) better explain the … shifting insurance rate over time. Asymmetric changes (e.g., associated with a shifting age distribution) are not as important. …
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This article studies insurance demand in a two-period framework in which an individual faces risks in both current and … future periods. Models for insurance with and without the presence of endogenous saving are both discussed. In contrast to … what most literature suggests, when decisions on insurance and saving are made separately, insurance alone does not always …
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We study the optimal insurance design problem. This is a risk sharing problem between an insured and an insurer. The … for the insurance cover. This risk-adjusted premium calculation principle uses the cost-of-capital approach as it is … suggested (and used) by the regulator and the insurance industry. …
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When modelling insurance claim count data, the actuary often observes overdispersion and an excess of zeros that may be … to insurance data to account for such a feature of the data. However, a natural way to deal with unobserved heterogeneity … mixture models. k-finite mixture models are applied to a car insurance claim dataset in order to analyse whether the problem …
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In this paper we analyze insurance demand when the utility function depends both upon final wealth and the level of … documented in real insurance markets. …
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variables directly related to the insurance product (e.g., a regulatory restriction of insurance acquisition costs) as well as … importance of insurance distribution in banks. Significant risk factors (statistically significant) which determine gross … cooperation between banks and insurers as well as the specificity of insurance products distribution (also local) in the …
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by a marked point process with dual-predictable projection affected by an environmental factor and that the insurance … premia, which take into account risk fluctuations. Using stochastic control theory based on the Hamilton …
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insurance portfolio which would play a relevant role, for instance, for solvency capital requirement valuations. Based on a …
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