Showing 1 - 10 of 26
A comprehensive auto insurance policy usually provides the broadest protection for the most common events for which the policyholder would file a claim. On the other hand, some insurers offer extended third-party car insurance to adapt to the personal needs of every policyholder. The extra...
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When modelling insurance claim count data, the actuary often observes overdispersion and an excess of zeros that may be caused by unobserved heterogeneity. A common approach to accounting for overdispersion is to consider models with some overdispersed distribution as opposed to Poisson models....
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Pay-as-you-drive (PAYD), or usage-based automobile insurance (UBI), is a policy agreement tied to vehicle usage. In this paper we analyze the effect of the distance traveled on the risk of accidents among young drivers with a PAYD policy. We use regression models for survival data to estimate...
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We analyzed real telematics information for a sample of drivers with usage-based insurance policies. We examined the statistical distribution of distance driven above the posted speed limit—which presents a strong positive asymmetry-using quantile regression models. We found that, at different...
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In the classical bonus-malus system the premium assigned to each policyholder is based only on the number of claims made without having into account the claims size. Thus, a policyholder who has declared a claim that results in a relatively small loss is penalised to the same extent as one who...
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For automobile insurance, it has long been implied that when a policyholder made at least one claim in the prior year, the subsequent premium is likely to increase. When this happens, the policyholder may seek to switch to another insurance company to possibly avoid paying for a higher premium....
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In Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) automobile insurance, the premium is fixed based on the distance traveled, while in usage-based insurance (UBI) the driving patterns of the policyholder are also considered. In those schemes, drivers who drive more pay a higher premium compared to those with the same...
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XGBoost is recognized as an algorithm with exceptional predictive capacity. Models for a binary response indicating the existence of accident claims versus no claims can be used to identify the determinants of traffic accidents. This study compared the relative performances of logistic...
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Territory design and analysis using geographical loss cost are a key aspect in auto insurance rate regulation. The major objective of this work is to study the design of geographical rating territories by maximizing the within-group homogeneity, as well as maximizing the among-group...
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In a bonus-malus system in car insurance, the bonus class of a customer is updated from one year to the next as a function of the current class and the number of claims in the year (assumed Poisson). Thus the sequence of classes of a customer in consecutive years forms a Markov chain, and most...
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