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to as PD-LGD correlation (here PD refers to probability of default, which is often used synonymously with default rate …). There is a large literature on modelling stochastic LGD and PD-LGD correlation, but there is a dearth of literature on using … deviation probabilities across a wide variety of PD-LGD correlation models that have been proposed in the literature. …
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The stability of the financial system is associated with systemic risk factors such as the concurrent default of numerous small obligors. Hence, it is of utmost importance to study the mutual dependence of losses for different creditors in the case of large, overlapping credit portfolios. We...
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This paper presents a comprehensive extension of pricing two-dimensional derivatives depending on two barrier constraints. We assume randomness on the covariance matrix as a way of generalizing. We analyse common barrier derivatives, enabling us to study parameter uncertainty and the risk...
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We address the moral hazard problem of securitization using a principal-agent model where the investor is the principal and the lender is the agent. Our model considers structured asset-backed securitization with a credit enhancement (tranching) procedure. We assume that the originator can...
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The aim of this project is to develop a stochastic simulation machine that generates individual claims histories of non …-life insurance claims. This simulation machine is based on neural networks to incorporate individual claims feature information. We … simulation machine allows everyone to simulate their own synthetic insurance portfolio of individual claims histories and back …
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We propose an accurate data-driven numerical scheme to solve stochastic differential equations (SDEs), by taking large time steps. The SDE discretization is built up by means of the polynomial chaos expansion method, on the basis of accurately determined stochastic collocation (SC) points. By...
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simulation of the skeleton of such processes and propose a novel procedure when they coincide with compound Poisson processes of … Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type. We illustrate the applicability of the theoretical findings and the simulation algorithms in the …
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for the Heston model, which are based on exact simulation of the underlying volatility process. Both for an Euler- and a …
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We present a stochastic simulation forecasting model for stress testing that is aimed at assessing banks’ capital …
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model for random correlation matrices to model non-stationary effects. We then use the Merton model in which default events … ensemble of random matrices that models the truly existing set of measured correlation matrices. As a most welcome side effect …
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