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In this paper we study the effect that mean-reverting components in the arithmetic dynamics of electricity spot price have on the price of a call option on a swap. Our model allows for seasonal effects, spikes, and negative values of the price of electricity. We show that for sufficiently large...
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this paper, we consider a general class of stochastic volatility models written in forward variance form. We also deal with … volatility model with a Vasicek interest rate model. …
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Stock prices are well known to exhibit behaviors that are difficult to model mathematically. Individual stocks are observed to exhibit short term price reversals and long term momentum, while their industries only exhibit momentum. Here we show that individual stocks can be modeled by simple...
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We propose a framework for constructing diversified portfolios with multiple pairs trading strategies. In our approach, several pairs of co-moving assets are traded simultaneously, and capital is dynamically allocated among different pairs based on the statistical characteristics of the...
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-form expressions for pricing and hedging bond power exchange options are obtained and, as particular cases, the corresponding … equivalence of the European and the American versions of bond power exchange options are provided and the put-call parity relation … for European bond power exchange options is established. Finally, we consider several applications of our results …
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and forward measures are studied. Finally, bond options are valued with a discretization scheme and a discrete Fourier …
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The concept of best-estimate, prescribed by regulators to value insurance liabilities for accounting and solvency purposes, has recently been discussed extensively in the industry and related academic literature. To differentiate hedgeable and non-hedgeable risks in a general case, recent...
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In this paper, we introduce a 3D finite dimensional Gaussian process (GP) regression approach for learning arbitrage-free swaption cubes. Based on the possibly noisy observations of swaption prices, the proposed 'constrained' GP regression approach is proven to be arbitrage-free along the strike...
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The paper examines the relative performance of Stochastic Volatility (SV) and Generalised Autoregressive Conditional … Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) (1,1) models fitted to ten years of daily data for FTSE. As a benchmark, we used the realized volatility (RV … two standard volatility models if the simple expedient of using lagged squared demeaned daily returns provides a better RV …
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This paper studies the effect of variance swap in hedging volatility risk under the mean-variance criterion. We … consider two mean-variance portfolio selection problems under Heston's stochastic volatility model. In the first problem, the … variance swap can be used to hedge against the volatility risk. In the second problem, only the bank account and the stock can …
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