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to as PD-LGD correlation (here PD refers to probability of default, which is often used synonymously with default rate …). There is a large literature on modelling stochastic LGD and PD-LGD correlation, but there is a dearth of literature on using … deviation probabilities across a wide variety of PD-LGD correlation models that have been proposed in the literature. …
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In this paper, we employ 99% intraday value-at-risk (VaR) and intraday expected shortfall (ES) as risk metrics to assess the competency of the Multiplicative Component Generalised Autoregressive Heteroskedasticity (MC-GARCH) models based on the 1-min EUR/USD exchange rate returns. Five...
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This article is concerned with the study of the tail correlation among equity indices by means of dynamic copula … Correlation (DCC) model. …
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In this paper, we propose a novel framework for estimating systemic risk measures and risk allocations based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We consider a class of allocations whose jth component can be written as some risk measure of the jth conditional marginal loss distribution...
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model for random correlation matrices to model non-stationary effects. We then use the Merton model in which default events … ensemble of random matrices that models the truly existing set of measured correlation matrices. As a most welcome side effect …
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We present several fast algorithms for computing the distribution of a sum of spatially dependent, discrete random variables to aggregate catastrophe risk. The algorithms are based on direct and hierarchical copula trees. Computing speed comes from the fact that loss aggregation at branching...
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This paper presents a comprehensive extension of pricing two-dimensional derivatives depending on two barrier constraints. We assume randomness on the covariance matrix as a way of generalizing. We analyse common barrier derivatives, enabling us to study parameter uncertainty and the risk...
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The complexity of estimating multivariate GARCH models increases significantly with the increase in the number of asset series. To address this issue, we propose a general regularization framework for high-dimensional GARCH models with BEKK representations, and obtain a penalized quasi-maximum...
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COVID-19 low-frequency variable, namely the Dynamic EquiCorrelation (DECO) and corrected Dynamic Conditional Correlation …
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We propose several numerical algorithms to compute the distribution of gross loss in a positively dependent catastrophe insurance portfolio. Hierarchical risk aggregation is performed using bivariate copula trees. Six common parametric copula families are studied. At every branching node, the...
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