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level, in Africa. To reach the study's main goal, the authors adopted the Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSEs) and Panel …) The cryptocurrency market hurts the firm market value in Africa. (b) The firms operating across different sectors respond … disproportionally to the cryptocurrency market. For instance, the sectors that offer low returns in Africa (industrial, energy …
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This paper investigates the impact of financial inclusion on sustainable firm growth in Northern African countries (Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia) during the period of 2007-2020. To this end, this study employs a dynamic panel threshold regression (DPTR) model. This model is a panel-data model...
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determine relationships among causes of death such as HIV/AIDS and their impact on mortality and longevity risks seem trivial or …Disaggregation of mortality by cause has advanced the development of life tables for life insurance and pension … inflexible. To address these problems, we aim to determine and build an appropriate copula dependence model for HIV/AIDS against …
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Pension funds, which manage the financing of a large share of global retirement schemes, need to invest their assets in a diversified manner and over long durations while managing interest rate and longevity risks. In recent years, a new type of investment has emerged, that we call a longevity...
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In the field of mortality, the Lee–Carter based approach can be considered the milestone to forecast mortality rates …–Carter model, the κ t parameter, describing the mortality trend over time, plays an important role about the future mortality … behavior. The traditional ARIMA process usually used to model κ t shows evident limitations to describe the future mortality …
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Estimation of future mortality rates still plays a central role among life insurers in pricing their products and … managing longevity risk. In the literature on mortality modeling, a wide number of stochastic models have been proposed, most … of them forecasting future mortality rates by extrapolating one or more latent factors. The abundance of proposed models …
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future mortality rates. It can be argued that there are two types of mortality models using this approach. The first extracts …-parametric smoothing techniques to model mortality and thus has no explicit constraints placed on the model. We argue that from a … using Great Britain male mortality data from 1950–2016. We also conduct a robustness test to see how sensitive the forecasts …
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a multi-population mortality model which includes a cause-specific environment using Archimedean copulae to model … dependence between various groups of causes of death. For this, Dutch data on cause-of-death mortality and cause …-specific mortality data from 14 comparable European countries were used. We find that the inclusion of a common factor to a cause …
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Mortality improvements and life expectancies have been increasing in recent decades, leading to growing interest in … understanding mortality risk and longevity risk. Studies of mortality forecasting are of interest among actuaries and demographers … because mortality forecasting can quantify mortality and longevity risks. There is an abundance of literature on the topic of …
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Predicting the evolution of mortality rates plays a central role for life insurance and pension funds. Standard single … decomposition of the mortality surface into a polynomial basis. Then, we show how regularization techniques and cross-validation can … be used to obtain a parsimonious and coherent predictive model for mortality forecasting. We analyze how COVID-19-type …
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