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Over the last three decades, the world economy has been facing stock market crashes, currency crisis, the dot-com and … reliable results, but remains difficult to interpret in the real world. This paper proposes a quantile regression to transform …
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Value-at-risk (VaR) and conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) are popular risk measures from academic, industrial and regulatory perspectives. The problem of minimizing CVaR is theoretically known to be of a Neyman-Pearson type binary solution. We add a constraint on expected return to investigate...
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We aim to construct portfolios by employing different risk models and compare their performance in order to understand their appropriateness for effective portfolio management for investors. Mean variance (MV), semi variance (SV), mean absolute deviation (MaD) and conditional value at risk...
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prices, we estimate the real-world and risk-neutral parameters of the model with common jumps, construct several optimal …
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This study addresses market concentration among major corporations, highlighting the utility of relative entropy for understanding diversification strategies. It introduces entropic value at risk (EVaR) as a coherent risk measure, which is an upper bound to the conditional value at risk (CVaR),...
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This paper proposes a model-free approach to hedging and pricing in the presence of market imperfections such as market incompleteness and frictions. The generality of this framework allows us to conduct an in-depth theoretical analysis of hedging strategies with a wide family of risk measures...
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This paper presents the first methodological proposal of estimation of the VaR. Our approach is dynamic and calibrated to market extreme scenarios, incorporating the need of regulators and financial institutions in more sensitive risk measures. We also propose a simple backtesting methodology by...
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We present a stochastic simulation forecasting model for stress testing that is aimed at assessing banks’ capital adequacy, financial fragility, and probability of default. The paper provides a theoretical presentation of the methodology and the essential features of the forecasting model on...
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This paper investigates the risk exposure for options and proposes MaxVaR as an alternative risk measure which captures the risk better than Value-at-Risk especially. While VaR is a measure of end-of-horizon risk, MaxVaR captures the interim risk exposure of a position or a portfolio. MaxVaR is...
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In this paper, we develop a framework for measuring, allocating and managing systemic risk. SystRisk, our measure of total systemic risk, captures the a priori cost to society for providing tail-risk insurance to the financial system. Our allocation principle distributes the total systemic risk...
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