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stochastic skewness in currency options. We estimate the models using time-series returns and option prices on three currency …
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Trading strategies are valued using non-linear conditional expectations with respect to non-additive probabilities in a discrete time Markovian context. Non-additive probabilities attain conservatism by exaggerating upwards tail loss events and exaggerating downwards tail gain events. Steady...
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in deflated price processes is then addressed. Applications include the pricing of options on relativities and the asset …
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skewness and excess kurtosis across assets. Concave bid price functionals are formulated as measure distorted variations …. Specific measure distortions are calibrated to data on S&P 500 index options and the time series of the index. It is shown that …
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Complex insurance risks typically have multiple exposures. Options on multiple underliers with a short maturity are …
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When the pricing kernel is U-shaped, then expected returns of claims with payout on the upside are negative for strikes beyond a threshold, determined by the slope of the U-shaped kernel in its increasing region, and have negative partial derivative with respect to strike in the increasing...
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The Sato process model for option prices is expanded to accomodate credit considerations by incorporating a single jump to default occuring at an independent random time with a Weibull distribution. Explicit formulas for bid and ask prices are derived. Liquidity considerations are captured by...
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In this paper we introduce a fundamental model under which we will price contingent capital notes using conic finance techniques. The model is based on more realistic balance-sheet models recognizing the fact that asset and liabilities are both risky and have been treated differently taking into...
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Minimal discounted distorted expectations across a range of stress levels are employed to model risk acceptability in markets. Interactions between discounting and stress levels used in measure changes are accommodated by lowering discount rates for the higher stress levels. Acceptability...
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maturity options. The Laplacian hedge delivers cash flows with a lower final variability in the case presented. The computation …
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