Showing 1 - 10 of 124
This article investigates the influence of performance, popularity and power on "superearnings" using a unique panel dataset of Italian football players built on various sources of data. Using OLS, Panel and Unconditional Quantile regression techniques, we find that detailed measures of these...
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We decompose permanent earnings risk into contributions from hours and wage shocks. In order to distinguish between hours shocks and labor supply reactions to wage shocks we use a life-cycle model of consumption and labor supply. Estimating our model with the Panel Study of Income Dynamics...
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Women born later experience greater earnings growth volatility at given ages than the next older cohort. This alone would imply a welfare loss due to increased earnings risk. However, using German registry data for the years 2001-2016, we document a moderation in higher-order earnings risk: Both...
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This paper examines the relative wealth position and the portfolio choices of immigrants in Germany. The empirical findings reveal significant differences in overall wealth and various wealth components between German natives and immigrants. Differences in real estate constitute the major part...
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Of the many labour market Hartz IV reforms that have been implemented in Germany since 2005, the role of short-term unemployment insurance has not received much attention. In this paper we examine distributional effects of labour earnings and unemployment benefits using simulated increases in...
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This paper examines the effect of neighborhood diversity on the nativity gap in homevalue appreciation in Australia. Specifically, immigrant homeowners experienced a 41.7 percent increase in median home values between 2001 and 2006, while the median value of housing owned by the native-born...
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Using data from the German SOEP, this paper analyses whether there have been (a) any significant changes in poverty rates and poverty intensities before and after the Hartz IV reforms and (b) whether there have been observable changes in the effect of employment in reducing the threat or...
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Past empirical studies on the strategic bequest motive have found evidence for the existence of a positive causation of wealth on receiving attention from on's children. This paper illustrates that these results from the past should be interpreted with some care as the relationship between...
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This paper investigates the source of the gap in the relative wealth position of immigrant households residing in Australia, Germany and the United States. Our results indicate that in Germany and the United States wealth differentials are largely the result of disparity in the educational...
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This paper analyzes the evolution of global interpersonal income inequality in the last decades. While some authors emphasize that global inequality fell significantly between 2000 and 2020 (Milanovic, 2024), others argue that global inequality has remained constant (Chancel & Pikey, 2021) or...
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