Showing 1 - 10 of 138
This study estimates separate selectivity bias corrected wage equations for formal and informal workers in rural and urban Mexico using data from the Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS). We control for different potential selection patterns using Probit and Multinominal logit models in the first...
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Using a text-mining approach applied to task descriptions of occupations together with worker-level administrative data, we explore the growth in the greenness of employment in Germany between 2012 and 2022. We first show that the greening of occupations over time (“within-effect”) is as...
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I use German administrative data for 2001-2010 to analyse the impact of urbanization and firm characteristics on wage growth of workers. I find a statistically highly significant higher within-job wage growth rate for workers in counties with a higher population density. This provides evidence...
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The rising concentration of low-income households and ethnic minorities has become an important policy issue in Germany. The Ruhr Area is particularly interesting, because it is one of the largest conurbations in Europe and experienced radical structural changes in the past, which are connected...
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Residential choice does not only depend on properties of the dwelling, neighborhood amenities and affordability, but is also affected by the population composition within a neighbourhood. All these attributes are capitalised in the house price. Empirically, it is not easy to disentangle the...
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The shale gas revolution in the United States induced an unprecedented commodity boom across northwestern India. Leveraging population-based discontinuities in the contemporaneous roll-out of India's national rural electrification scheme, we show that access to electricity increased total...
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Credit default is a dramatic consequence of disadvantageous private financial decisions. Using regression methods which eliminate spatial autocorrelation at the level of 1 km² grids and further identification problems, we observe considerable and reinforcing residential segregation between...
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In contrast to previous research, I hypothesize that residential segregation patterns do not only result from an individual's perception of different ethnicities, but is rather affected by housing market interactions and socioeconomic endowment, like income and education. I implement a...
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This paper analyzes the determinants of internal migration in Germany. Using data on the NUTS-3 level for different age groups and Pseudo-Poisson Maximum Likelihood (PPML) gravity models, the empirical analysis focuses on the relevant push and pull factors of internal migration over the life...
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This paper investigates the effects of the 2015 mass inflow of refugees to Germany on electoral outcomes. Specifically, using unique data on refugee populations and their type of accommodation, I analyze how local exposure to refugees affects the outcomes of the March 2016 state election - an...
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