Showing 1 - 10 of 23
A well-known empirical regularity is that small firms are less productive than large firms. However, does size cause productivity or vice versa? Using firm-level administrative data for Spain, I find that productivity shocks are followed by significant increases in size defined by employment. In...
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This paper identifies patterns of cross-sectional and temporal price dispersion-in the Spanish online grocery retail market-and evaluates the extent to which search costs and chain heterogeneity explain such dispersion. We build a data set comprising 836,074 prices for the most popular grocery...
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We consider an empirical model of worldwide airline alliances that we apply to a large set of companies for the period 19952000. Using observations at the network level, we estimate a cost, capacity, and demand system that accounts for cross-price elasticities. Our contribution consists in...
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We analyze third degree price discrimination by an upstream monopolist to a continuum of heterogeneous downstream firms. The novelty of our approach is to recognize that customizing prices may be costly. As a consequence, partial price discrimination arises in equilibrium; in particular,we...
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In this study, we consider the role of a publicly owned platform and programme quality in the free-to-air broadcasting industry. We compare the equilibrium levels of advertising under private and mixed duopoly competition, and show that the connection between programme quality and advertising...
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This paper computes and compares alternative quality-adjusted price indexes for new cars in Spain in the period 1990 - 2000. The proposed hedonic approach simultaneously controls for time-invariant unobserved product effects and age effects, that can be interpreted as a proxy for time-variant...
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Debit cards are employed for cash withdrawals at automated teller machines (ATMs) and for purchasing transactions at point-of-sale (POS). In this paper, we explore, for the first time to our knowledge, the determinants of debit card transaction volumes at ATM and POS, the relationship between...
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We study the relationship between economic distortions and the size distribution of plants using comparable plant-level data across 104 developing countries. Our main result is to show that, other things equal, countries with larger economic distortions allocate more labor to small unproductive...
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Efficiency comparison of ad valorem and unit taxes has been traditionally based on consumer welfare. However, if the tax instrument also affects the distribution of firms over their productivities, the policy maker may be concerned about the implications on aggregate productivity as well. This...
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In this paper we extend the Stock and Watson’s (Leading economic indicators, new approaches and forecasting records, 1991) single-index dynamic factor model in an econometric framework that has the advantage of combining information from real and financial indicators published at different...
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