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We show that house prices from Aberdeen in the UK improve in- and out-of-sample oil price forecasts. The improvements are of a similar magnitude to those attained using macroeconomic indicators. We explain these forecast improvements with the dominant role of the oil industry in Aberdeen. House...
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new model achieves higher forecasting performance compared to a standard DCC model. …
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We introduce a long memory autoregressive conditional Poisson (LMACP) model to model highly persistent time series of counts. The model is applied to forecast quoted bid-ask spreads, a key parameter in stock trading operations. It is shown that the LMACP nicely captures salient features of...
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calculations carried out in a cointegration framework. As the ecidence for the single parities remains unconvincing, UIP and EHT …
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This paper investigates the finite sample properties of confidence intervals for structural vector error correction models (SVECMs) with long-run identifying restrictions on the impulse response functions. The simulation study compares methods that are frequently used in applied SVECM studies...
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consists of tests for cointegration, the examination of vector error correction models, several variants of common cycle tests …
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A test for the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive (VAR) process with a possible shift and broken linear trend is proposed. The break point is assumed to be known. The setup is a VAR process for cointegrated variables. The tests are not likelihood ratio tests but the deterministic...
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import functions or exportled growth. Focusing on the US relations with Euroland and Canada, cointegration analyses however …
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synchrony in the GDPs. According tests for cointegration and common serial correlation features reveal a high degree of …
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whose moments may be used to develop panel cointegration tests. Moreover, we justify the common practice to approximate …
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