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In this paper we propose the GHADA risk management model that is based on the generalizedhyperbolic (GH) distribution and on a nonparametric adaptive methodology. Comparedto the normal distribution...
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Recently, Diebold and Li (2003) obtained good forecasting results foryield curves in a reparametrized Nelson-Siegel framework. We analyze similarmodeling approaches for price curves of variance swaps that serve nowadaysas hedging instruments for options on realized variance. We consider the...
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The first stages of any data analysis are to get to know the aims of the studyand to get to know the data. In this study the main goal is to predict acompany´s chances of going bankrupt based on its recent financial returns...
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Die Berechnung des VaR führt zur Reduktion der Dimension des Raumes der Risikofaktoren. Die vorzunehmenden Vereinfachungen resultieren aus unterschiedlichen Beweggründen, z.B. technische Effizienz, Sachlogik der Ergebnisse und statistische Adäquanz des Modells. Im Kapitel 2 stellen wir drei...
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One of the major cost factors in car manufacturing is the painting of bodyand other parts such as wing or bonnet. Surprisingly, the painting may beeven more expensive than the body itself. From this point of view it is clearthat car manufacturers need to observe the painting process carefully to...
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In semiparametric models it is a common approach to under-smooth the nonparametric functions inorder that estimators of the finite dimensional parameters can achieve root-n consistency. The requirementof under-smoothing may result as we show from inefficient estimation methods or technical...
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Population forecasts are crucial for many social, political and economic decisions. Officialpopulation projections rely in general on deterministic models which use different scenariosfor future vital rates to indicate uncertainty. However, this technique shows substantialweak points such as...
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With the recent availability of high-frequency nancial data the longrange dependence of volatility regained researchers' interest and has leadto the consideration of long memory models for realized volatility. Thelong range diagnosis of volatility, however, is usually stated for long...
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We consider two semiparametric models for the weight function in a biased sample model. The object of our interest parametrizes the weight function, and it is either Euclidean or non Euclidean. One of the models discussed in this paper is motivated by the estimation the mixing distribution of...
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Modern computing equipment is present at schools and universities at all levelsof education. 4 In the statistical sciences computers offer great opportunities toenrich the learning process by the means of e.g. animations, software integrationor on-the-fly computations. A personal review of...
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