Showing 1 - 10 of 216
This paper addresses the problem of estimation of a nonparametric regression function from selectively observed data when selection is endogenous. Our approach relies on independence between covariates and selection conditionally on potential outcomes. Endogeneity of regressors is also allowed...
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We propose a new method to estimate the empirical pricing kernel based on option data. We estimate the pricing kernel nonparametrically by using the ratio of the risk-neutral density estimator and the subjective density estimator. The risk-neutral density is approximated by a weighted kernel...
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This paper proposes a test for missing at random (MAR). The MAR assumption is shown to be testable given instrumental variables which are independent of response given potential outcomes. A nonparametric testing procedure based on integrated squared distance is proposed. The statistic’s...
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In this paper, we analyze the nonparametric part of a partially linear model when the covariates in parametric and non-parametric parts are subject to measurement errors. Based on a two-stage semi-parametric estimate, we construct a uniform con dence surface of the multivariate function for...
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In this paper, we suggest and analyze a new class of specification tests for random coefficient models. These tests allow to assess the validity of central structural features of the model, in particular linearity in coefficients and generalizations of this notion like a known nonlinear...
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Mortality is different across countries, states and regions. Several empirical research works however reveal that mortality trends exhibit a common pattern and show similar structures across populations. The key element in analyzing mortality rate is a time-varying indicator curve. Our main...
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We study a general class of semiparametric estimators when the in nite-dimensional nuisance parameters include a conditional expectation function that has been estimated nonparametrically using generated covariates. Such estimators are used frequently to e.g. estimate nonlinear models with...
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Complex phenomena in environmental sciences can be conveniently represented by several inter-dependent random variables. In order to describe such situations, copula-based models have been studied during the last year. In this paper, we consider a novel family of bivariate copulas, called...
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We consider the problem of estimating the conditional quantile of a time series fYtg at time t given covariates Xt, where Xt can ei- ther exogenous variables or lagged variables of Yt . The conditional quantile is estimated by inverting a kernel estimate of the conditional distribution function,...
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We consider the problem of estimating the conditional quantile of a time series at time t given observations of the same and perhaps other time series available at time t - 1. We discuss sieve estimates which are a nonparametric versions of the Koenker-Bassett regression quantiles and do not...
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