Showing 1 - 10 of 332
Beschrijving van een empirisch model ter verklaring van het aantal zelfstandige ondernemingen in Nederland. Een dergelijk model voorziet in het maken van scenario’s gemaakt voor de toekomstige ontwikkeling van het aantal ondernemingen in Nederland. Het model onderscheidt effecten op lange en...
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In this paper, we argue that institutions affect the allocation of entrepreneurship across new and established organizations. This is confirmed by empirical analysis of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data on early-stage (independent) entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial...
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This paper presents the results of a novel international study of intrapreneurship ( i.e., employees developing new business activities for their employer), carried out in eleven countries in the framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. At the individual level, it is found that...
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This report provides information on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), covering 29 countries. GEM examines nine topics to highlight the entrepreneurial climate, the so-called entrepreneurial framework conditions. In the framework of GEM, an extensive systematic comparative survey of...
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Worldwide, less favourable business cycles caused a 25% decline in start-up entrepreneurship, as revealed by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2002, a project in which EIM participated as well. As for The Netherlands, declining entrepreneurship levels were not caused by fading intentions to...
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In this paper the authors present the levels of Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) across 16 Member States of the European Union participating in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM - 2004 research 2). They also compare the average TEA rate for these 16 EU-countries...
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The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) investigates early-stage entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial framework conditions in an international perspective. The present report investigates the level and development of early-stage entrepreneurial activity in the Netherlands, in global...
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Onderzoekt de kenmerken van mensen die de plannen voor het starten van een onderneming realiseren, vergeleken met de mensen die opgeven of bezig blijven met het opzetten van de onderneming.
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In deze studie is gekeken naar de samenhang in gedragsverandering bij werkgevers in het MKB en de aanpassing van de wetgeving m.b.t. de arbeidsongeschiktheid van werknemers. Uit het onderzoek komt naar voren dat er, door de financiële prikkels die zijn voortgekomen uit de nieuwe wetgeving, drie...
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This eleventh edition deals with Top sectors and their importance to the Dutch economy. In 2010, the Dutch government introduced a new policy framework regarding the business sector. Besides generic measures to strengthen the business environment for all companies, there is a specific policy...
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