Showing 1 - 10 of 17
El artículo brinda un diagnóstico general sobre la pobreza laboral y desigualdad en México utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo para el periodo 2005-2012 y la definición de pobreza laboral utilizada por el Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de...
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Using a national representative sample for Mexico, we analyse the effect of a husband having a working mother on the probability that he has a working wife. Our results show that labour force participation by a husband’s mother increases the probability of the labour force participation of his...
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In Mexico, as in most Latin American countries with indigenous populations, it is commonly believed that European phenotypes are preferred to mestizo or indigenous phenotypes. However, it is hard to test for such racial biases in the labor market using official statistics since race can only be...
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We analyze the consequences of a teenage pregnancy event in the short- and long-run in Mexico. Using longitudinal and cross-section data, we match females who got pregnant and those that did not based on a propensity score. Several balancing tests and specifications indicate that the main...
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Inequality in Mexico rose between 1989 and 1994 and declined between 1994 and 2010. We examine the role of market forces (demand and supply of labour by skill), institutional factors (minimum wages and unionization rate), and public policy (cash transfers) in explaining changes in inequality. We...
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We study family income inequality in Mexico from 1988 to 2010. Female labor supply increased during this period, especially for married women. The share of wives’ income among married couples grew from 13 percent in 1988 to 23 percent in 2010. However, the correlation of husbands’ and...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar a la población entre las edades de 15 a 29 años de edad en México que no estudia y no trabaja (NiNi). Utilizamos los Censos de Población de 1990, 2000 y 2010, la ENIGH para el periodo 1992‐2010 y la ENOE para el periodo 2005‐2010....
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This paper analyzes the self-selection patterns among Mexican return migrants during the period from 1990 to 2010. Using census data, we can identify return migrants who have lived in the United States within the previous 5 years but who currently live in Mexico. To calculate the selection...
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En este trabajo se analiza el impacto de la inversión extranjera directa sobre la productividad del trabajo para el período 1940-2010. Se plantea una función producción que relaciona el producto agregado con el trabajo, y capital de tres tipos: privado nacional, extranjero y público. De la...
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This paper presents empirical evidence that allows us to understand how does the welfare level of beneficiary households of the conditional cash transfer program Oportunidades evolve, both in the short and in the medium term. Understanding this evolution is relevant in order to design efficient...
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