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policy deliberations, the measures of life satisfaction must be psychometrically sound. The reliability, validity, and â€¦ sensitivity to change of life satisfaction measures are reviewed. The scales are stable under unchanging conditions, but are â€¦ quality of respondents’ lives: (1) Differences between nations in life satisfaction associated with differences in objective â€¦
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characteristics were identified to play a role in explaining the differences in reported satisfaction between the two groups: age â€¦, gender, family size, having a life partner. Although, the self reported satisfaction with the family situation seems to be â€¦
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The present article aims to examine the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of Personal Outcomes Scale â€¦-cultural adaptation, culminating with an evaluation of 10 experts for the quantitative evidence of the content validity. All EPR’s items â€¦ showed an excellent internal consistency (α = .94). EPR’s construct validity indexes are also reported and discussed. The â€¦
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memory biases that are inherent in global recall of feelings. However, evidence for the validity and reliability of the DRM â€¦
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societies, we also call for more research on the reliability and validity of EMA and DRM. Copyright Springer Science â€¦Growing interest in the measurement of subjective well-being (SWB) has also been accompanied by scientific debate on â€¦ the subjective evaluation of life experiences and aims to capture the overall evaluation using retrospection or global â€¦
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. Significant correlations with satisfaction items, anxiety and depression provided evidence for concurrent validity. These findings â€¦ with life satisfaction items, anxiety and depression scales to a community sample of 993 participants, aged 18–85 years â€¦Â = .08; 95 % C.I. [.04–.12]). Multi-group analyses supported total invariance of the SHS measurement model for males and â€¦
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evidence confirms a single underlying factor. The current paper evaluates the DSES’s development, factor structure, reliability â€¦ and convergent and predictive validity using a community sample. Despite the full DSES scale’s excellent internal â€¦ reliability, two related factors—theism and civility—are identified. Both scales are reliable and converge meaningfully with â€¦
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reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS) by survey â€¦There are few short scales focused on life satisfaction for adolescents in China. This study aims to investigate the â€¦ of a random sample of 2,406 adolescents aged from 12 to 18 years old in Hunan, China. Internal consistency reliability â€¦
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