Showing 1 - 10 of 224
Entrepreneurship -- 2.Africa: Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in the Continent -- 3.Culture and Traditional Foundations of African … Women Entrepreneurs -- 4.Regional Perspectives of Women Entrepreneurs: Similarities, Differences, and Contributing Forces … -- 5.Challenges, Opportunities, and Interventions for Women Entrepreneurs -- Part II: 21st Century Second …
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1. Entrepreneurship and Human Relations -- 2. Gender Dynamics And Leadership -- 3. Women Entrepreneurs in Business -- 4 …This book addresses a blend of conceptual and applied discussions on women entrepreneurs with learning experience … School, Universidades Anáhuac México, Mexico City This book focuses on social perspectives of women’s entrepreneurship, in …
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Women Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Overview -- Women Entrepreneurs in Cameroon -- Women Entrepreneurs in … Ethiopia -- Women Entrepreneurs in Ghana -- Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya -- Women Entrepreneurs in Lesotho -- Women … Entrepreneurs in Namibia -- Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria -- Women Entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone -- Women Entrepreneurs in South …
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Chapter 1. The Entrepreneurial imperative: An Introduction -- Chapter 2. Female Entrepreneurship: A Meta …-Synthesis -- Chapter 3. Women and Labour Market Participation in the Caribbean: A Socio-Historical Account -- Chapter 4. Comparative … and Becoming Successful Female Entrepreneurs within the Caribbean: Their Lived Realities -- Chapter 6. Conclusions. …
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diversity in the banking industry -- 3. Women and bank performance: theoretical background and literature review -- 4. Data on … the insurance industry: Progress made and next steps -- 7. Women in the asset management sector -- 8. How central are … women in Central Banks? -- 9. Gender diversity in banks and insurance companies: The state of art -- 10. A case of temporary …
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1. Cultural entrepreneurship in society -- 2. From “Making Culture” to “Cultural Making”: Unpacking Immigrant … Entrepreneurship and Cultural Entrepreneurship in Norway -- 3. Cultural Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Blockchain Applications in … entrepreneurship in Norway: embracing the aesthetics of peasant romanticism’ -- 5. Airport Business Model Innovations for Local and …
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Entrepreneurship, Gründungen, Marktdynamik -- Unternehmerische Selbständigkeit, Gründungsgeschehen und Marktdynamik in … Deutschland -- Entrepreneurial Choice: Wer gründet ein Unternehmen? Merkmale von Gründern -- Entrepreneurship als Prozess … Unternehmensgründungen -- Wirkungen von Gründungsprozessen -- Entrepreneurship-Politik. …
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Yves Le Corre -- Chapter 17. Women Entrepreneurship for Bridging Economic Gaps by Meltem Ince Yenilmez -- Chapter 18 …Chapter 1. The Gendered Aspects of Age Capital for Entering Entrepreneurship by Nick Theodorakopoulos, Judy Scully and … Isabella Moore -- Chapter 2. Managing Innovation in Smart Industries by Borut Likar -- Chapter 3. Entrepreneurship in Complex …
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Entrepreneurship can make a difference in a society when its success stories are celebrated and its lessons learned …, experienced entrepreneurs and curious investors, and thus make a difference in the future of the region.’ -Bill Aulet, Senior … Lecturer & MD, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, USA, and Author of Disciplined Entrepreneurship (2013) This book …
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: Evidence from GEM Data -- Senior Entrepreneurship, Gender Diversity and Intersectionality -- How to Support Women …Introduction: Senior Entrepreneurship: From the Shadow to the Light -- Part I: Senior Entrepreneurship: Theoretical … Consideration and Future Researches: A Scoping Study of Entrepreneurship Among Seniors: Overview of the Literature and Avenues for …
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