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This book looks at various aspects of tourism education in Asian countries and the impacts of sustainable development in tourism education to the Asian student markets. It provides an insightful and authoritative account of the various issues that are shaping the higher educational world of...
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1. Introduction -- 2. Guides on a crossroad - between deregulation and entrepreneurship -- 3. Tourism Employment and Education in a Danish Context -- 4. Tourism work - Public management of the tourism workforce in Finland -- 5. A Potential Treasure for Tourism – Crafts as employment and a...
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This textbook deals with business criminal law from the perspective of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland … University of Zurich (Switzerland) and a senior lecturer at the “MCI | The Entrepreneurial School" (Austria). He is also a lawyer … Switzerland. …
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Stresstests und Carbon Risiken -- Kultureller Wandel durch die Digitalisierung - Erfahrungsbericht der VR Smart Finanz -- Making Data Pay -- InsurTechs - (Re-)Evolution der Wertschöpfungskette -- FinTech Slam.
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den Industriestandort Schweiz fit für das Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zu machen. Die Überlegungen dürften auch für …
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Kryptowährungen werden immer mehr zu einem Bestandteil des Wirtschaftslebens. Sie werden für Spekulationsgeschäfte eingesetzt. Langsam aber sicher werden sie auch zu normalen Zahlungsmitteln. Auch in der Realwirtschaft wächst die Akzeptanz. Damit halten auch immer mehr Unternehmen Bestände...
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Dieses Open-Access-Buch erläutert ein Handlungsmodell zur Gestaltung sozialer Versorgung. Das Modell beinhaltet 16 Gestaltungsaufgaben, die sich an den wesentlichen Planungs- und Steuerungsaufgaben sozialer Versorgung und den vier Phasen eines Managementkreislaufes (Analyse,...
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Switzerland to select, attract, and retain highly skilled migrants who represent value to them. It reveals how state and economic … region of Switzerland between 2014 and 2018. It shows how institutional actors influence which resources are available to …
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In view of the rising importance and prevalence of network-based collaboration, this book aims to meet the need for more theory in this area. Theoretically conceptualizing and empirically describing the practice of reflexive leadership in inter-organisational networks, it explores how member...
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This book describes the 60-year history of the AO Foundation and its impact on the treatment of bone trauma. Originally founded by a group of Swiss surgeons, the AO has since established its osteosynthesis treatment approach to trauma, using surgery and implants, as the global standard. The AO...
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