Showing 1 - 10 of 257
1. Introduction -- 2. Investigation of the Effects of Environment on Financial Reporting -- 3. An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Market Efficiency in Borsa Istanbul -- 4. Impact of non-financial disclosure scores on the cost of equity capital: Evidence from European data in the...
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the ratings provided by international agencies and the various ESG (Environmental, Social and Government) indexes existing … analysing the origins, historical evolution and structure of the main rating agencies and ESG indexes. In addition, the …
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Accounting and accountability tools and practices for environmental issues: a narrative historical academic debate -- The management process underpinning the Non-financial reporting: a case study of a listed Italian company -- A Sociotechnical Analysis of Accounting for Employee Health and...
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-giving: Reaching through the smokescreen of sustainability disclosure in the stock market -- Changing financial firms relative to ESG …
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Pflichten, Aufgaben und Adressaten der (nichtfinanziellen) Unternehmensberichterstattung in Deutschland -- Entwicklung der gesetzlich verpflichtenden nichtfinanziellen Berichterstattung im Europarecht und die Umsetzung in deutsches Recht -- Stand der Forschung und empirische Untersuchungen.
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Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Diskussionsbeitrag, der Wissenschaft und Praxis fundiertes Material an die Hand gibt, um sich eingehend mit Sozialkreditsystemen zu befassen. Es liegt in der Natur einer ergebnisoffenen Disputation, dass dabei widersprechende Meinungen zu Wort kommen. Social Credit...
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1. Associated Problem with Greening Universities -- 2. Scope for Green Knowledge & Innovation -- 3. Ethics For Greening Universities -- 4. Institutional Change For Greening Universities -- 5. In Search of a Framework for Greening University-Document Analysis -- 6. In Search of Framework for...
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1. Introduction The increasing importance of ESG reporting in the Covid era -- 2. Training Accounting, Finance and …
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Capitalism -- Part II A Practical Guide to Creating Sustainable Enterprise Value through Full ESG Integration -- 4 Corporate … an ESG lens. And companies must accept responsibility for due diligence for human and labour rights with environmental … stakeholders simultaneously, and it has become good business to develop sustainable solutions for the future. As such, ESG has …
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Part I – General aspects of ESG -- 1. Introduction: the multiples roles of corporate governance under ESG (Paulo Câmara …) -- 2. Sustainability as a game changer in corporate governance (Guido Ferrarini) -- 3. ESG and the shift on corporate … responsibility (Jaap Winter) -- 6. ESG and shareholder primacy: why they can go together (Luca Enriques); -- 7. ESG and corporate …
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