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for Accounting Research der Universität Graz. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alfred Wagenhofer ist Vorstand des Instituts für … Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling und Direktor des Center for Accounting Research der Universität Graz. …
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Probleme sind aktuell für jeden zu spüren. Doch wie haben die einzelnen Unternehmen in ihrem Jahresabschluss damit umzugehen …
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Chapter 1. Most common distortions in a financial statement analysis caused by objective weaknesses of accounting and … analytical methods -- Chapter 2. Other “noise” in a financial statement analysis caused by objective weaknesses of accounting and … analytical methods -- Chapter 3. Deliberate accounting manipulations: introduction and revenue-oriented accounting gimmicks …
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interpreting accounting numbers reported on corporate financial reports. All analytical concepts, discussed in this book, are … example, in chapter five, several analytical tools are presented to evaluate a company with a high bankruptcy risk. The …. Jumah, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Illinois Springfield “Jacek’s book goes beyond simply helping …
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accounting information. Thus, during the last 50 years, categories of preparers, users, and regulators have devoted their efforts …
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corporate social media communication, on managerial and investment decisions. Lastly, it discusses new directions for accounting …
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1. The Going-Concern in Accounting Research -- 2. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure -- 3. The Going … scenario proposing concepts and challenges to come. Following the main accounting literature, requirements and regulations …, International Integrated Reporting Council, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, Climate Disclosure Standard Board, Carbon …
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1 Introduction -- 2 The family business -- 3 Earnings management in family firms -- 4 Accounting conservatism in family … firms -- 5 Corporate disclosure in family firms -- 6 The relationship between accounting choice and family business: What is … wide range of accounting choices, including earnings management, accounting conservatism, and financial and non …
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kommentierten Lösungshinweisen bei der optimalen Vorbereitung auf die schriftliche IHK-Abschlussprüfung im Fach Rechnungswesen und … Aufgabensammlung eingefügt. Auch der Bereich Controlling wurde stark erweitert, da er im Bereich Rechnungswesen den Schwerpunkt in der …
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Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Risk Disclosure in Banking: The State of the Art -- Chapter 3. Derivative …. The Effects of the Single Supervisory Mechanisms on Bank Risk Disclosure: Evidence from a Quantitative Content Analysis …This book analyses the use of qualitative and quantitative content analysis methodologies for risk disclosure practices …
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