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volume offers an in-depth analysis of the Korean innovation system and shows how its science and technology policies actually …
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Using the example of corporate OSS engagement, Oliver Alexy shows how free revealing can be carried out both effectively and efficiently by companies. He evaluates potential advantages and disadvantages and looks at related organizational processes to understand how this practice diffuses within...
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The Challenge of Innovation and Technology for Korea as a Newly Advanced Economy Revisited -- Moving to the innovation … frontier: Lessons from the OECD Review of Korean Innovation Policy -- Korea’s New Techno-Scientific Strategy: Realigning State …, Market and Society to Move beyond Technological Catch-up -- Innovation and Technology in Korea an International Perspective …
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Neue Entwicklungen in der Mobilität, insbesondere der Übergang in die Elektromobilität, stellen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft vor große Herausforderungen. Es bedarf konsequenter und koordinierter Anstrengungen vieler Experten, insbesondere aus der betriebswirtschaftlichen und...
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