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This book explores the gender dimension in technology commercialization through a collection of papers by … internationally renowned scholars in the USA, Mexico and Europe. Technology, Commercialization and Gender looks at various gender …; Pooran Wynarczyk and Marina Ranga -- Chapter 2. The Gender Dimension in German Knowledge and Technology Transfer: A Double …
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1. Introduction: Controversies in Healthcare Innovation - Service, Technology and Organization; Hoholm, La Rocca …, Masovic, Greig, Nicolini and Hanseth -- Part II. Technology-enabled healthcare innovations -- 5. Dealing with tensions in … technology-enabled healthcare innovation: two cases from the Norwegian Healthcare Sector; Grisot, Vassilakopoulou and Aanestad …
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provides a clear and simple synthesis of heterogeneous databases on the gender gap in the STEM (Science, Technology … insights into both the education and employment of women in STEM. It investigates how the gender gap has evolved among STEM …This book presents the findings of a survey that analyzes a unique set of data on gender studies departments, and …
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, and Higher Education with Technology Based Nascent Entrepreneurship -- 4. Nascent Entrepreneurship and Territorial Social …This edited volume presents new means of quantifying the behavioral and consequential differences between technology …-based and non-technology-based nascent entrepreneurs in varied economies. It explores the socioeconomic place of technology in …
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unlikely. Discussing a number of technology startups from around the world that have succeeded without state backing nor local … of how technology startups have, and can, succeed in less likely places … unlikely. Discussing a number of technology startups from around the world that have succeeded without state backing nor local …
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effective PM in the tech industry, you need to have a basic understanding of technology. In this book you’ll get your feet wet …
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This volume deals with the role and impact of technology on the economy and society. The papers on corporate dimensions … groups and other firms with regard to innovations and technology. In contrast, the papers on social dimensions chiefly deal … with the role of technology in reducing inequality. The majority of the papers employ econometric techniques and other …
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The central aim of The Industrial Experience of Tanzania is to explain why the Tanzanian manufacturing sector experienced a long period of stagnation after an initial phase of rapid industrial growth. Tanzania has been an extreme case with a high level of state intervention, but the contributors...
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Tension exists between technologists and social thinkers because of the impact technology and innovation have on social … environment is the context in which implementation of technology and innovation takes place, it is widely accepted as the major … with the nature and significance of technology, innovation and social change as well as the relationships between them, and …
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Das Buch geht der zentralen Frage nach, was die Gesundheitswirtschaft aus anderen Branchen lernen und wie sie architektonisch neu gestaltet werden kann. Es werden die einzelnen Tätigkeitsbereiche im Gesundheitsmanagement und die einzelnen Akteure wie Krankenhaus, Pharma oder ambulante...
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