Showing 1 - 10 of 154
This book provides an overview of behavioral decision theory and related research findings. In brief, behavioral decision theory is a general term for descriptive theories to explain the psychological knowledge related to decision-making behavior. It is called a theory, but actually it is a...
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Risk: Is There a Unique Objective Measure? -- Expected Utility Theory -- Stochastic Dominance Decision Rules -- Stochastic Dominance: The Quantile Approach -- Algorithms for Stochastic Dominance -- Stochastic Dominance with Specific Distributions -- Almost Stochastic Dominance (ASD) --...
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This book is devoted to investment decision-making under uncertainty. The book covers three basic approaches to this process: the stochastic dominance approach; the mean-variance approach; and the non-expected utility approach, focusing on prospect theory and its modified version, cumulative...
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Weinmann lehrt Mathematik, Statistik und Entscheidungstheorie in Masterstudiengängen der FOM Hochschule für Ökonomie und …
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This book is written for those seeking a decision theory appropriate for use in serious choices such as insurance. It employs stages of knowledge ahead to track satisfactions and dissatisfactions. From experimental and questionnaire data, people take into account such stages of knowledge ahead...
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Als Reaktion auf die Schwächen des Value-at-Risk-Konzeptes wurden in der Literatur axiomatische Risikomessansätze als Alternative vorgeschlagen. Mario Brandtner charakterisiert die diesen Ansätzen zugrunde liegenden Risikoverständnisse und präsentiert Techniken zu deren Umsetzung bei der...
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Grundlagen der Kfz-Kaskoversicherung und der Versicherungsentscheidung -- Entscheidungsmodelle zur Analyse von Kfz-Kaskoversicherungsentscheidungen -- Experimentelles Design zur Analyse von Kfz-Kaskoversicherungsentscheidungen -- Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung zur Analyse von...
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In a unique undertaking, Andrew Yuengert explores and describes the limits to the economic model of the human being, providing an alternative account of human choice, to which economic models can be compared.
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Part I: Individual Choice and Rationality -- Part II: Collective Choice and Collective Rationality -- Part III: Social … of social welfare. The topics include individual and collective rationality, motivation and intention in economics …
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II Prospect Theory and Bounded Rationality -- 3 Economic Behavior Under Uncertainty -- 4 Prospect Theory -- 5 Bounded … Rationality -- Part III: Time-Discounting and Social Preferences -- 6 Intertemporal Behavior -- 7 Learning Theory and Experiments …
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