Showing 1 - 10 of 135
Srun shows how the psychology of luxury brands truly plays into high value customer motivations and unlocks the potential to understand their decision processes which are unlike that of any other customer. Selling to very wealthy, demanding customers - whether you’re selling luxury products or...
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This SpringerBrief offers an academic perspective on the trend of ‘pop-up’ retailing. It analyzes this temporary retail-oriented setting designed to foster a direct customer-brand interaction for a limited period, often with an explicitly promotional or communicative purpose. Adopting a...
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The purpose of this research project is to contribute to effective retail by determining the impacts of the elements of retail marketing interventions on sales performance in franchises and branches. The approach comprises a series of complementary surveys of franchisees, branch managers, shop...
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Problemstellung -- Instruktionale Ansätze -- Blended Learning in der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung -- Das Bosch-Modell -- Evaluation von Lernumgebungen -- Forschungsfragen -- Methode -- Ergebnisse -- Zusammenfassung und Gesamtdiskussion
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Traditionelle Vertriebssysteme wie Filial- oder Verbundsysteme werden zunehmend durch aggressive Franchising-Netzwerke verdrängt, weil sie nach vorherrschender Meinung sehr gut zur Verfolgung anspruchsvoller Expansionsziele geeignet sind. Ein strategischer Erfolgsfaktor von...
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Konzeptionelle Grundlagen zur Kundenbindung -- Bestandsaufnahme der Literatur zur Kundenbindungsforschung -- Theoretische Bezugspunkte zur Entstehung von Kundenbindung -- Konzeptualisierung eines Modells zur Erklärung und Steuerung von Kundenbindung im beratungsintensiven Einzelhandel --...
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Various psychographic traits that most directly influence consumers’ private label attitudes are the focal point of Stefanie Weiss’ investigation. The author develops a comprehensive profile of psychographic predictors of attitude and identifies ways of translating these insights into...
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This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, CONFENIS 2016, held in Vienna, Austria, in December 2016. The conference provided an international forum for the broader IFIP...
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These proceedings focus on selected aspects of the current and upcoming trends in business communication. In detail the included scientific papers analyse and describe communication processes in the fields of sports, finance, culture, politics, brand management and corporate communications. The...
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This book is the ninth volume in this series which explores the life of Nobel Price-winning economist F.A. Hayek (1899-1992). Hayek was famous for promoting an Austrian version of classical liberalism: this multi-volume biography examines the evolution of Hayek’s life and influence. In this...
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