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The theoretical results in this monograph indicate that life provides alternative strategies to aging. The groundbreaking findings open a completely new field of research. The author gets away from the human centered vision of life showing that aging in any organism does not necessarily...
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The book explains the problem of insufficient capital accumulation and growth in a less developed country. In conventional analyses, such explanations are often found exogenised in terms of factors such as socio-cultural attitudes towards saving and investment, irrationality of peasant...
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This book offers a novel perspective that allows to incorporate changing consumption and production structure into models of economic growth. Starting from the empirical observation that income and consumption structure are closely related, it develops a tractable theoretical framework which...
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This book provides an empirical and theoretical examination of the short- and medium run impacts of technological advances on the employment and wages of workers which differ in their earned educational degree. Furthermore, by introducing labor market frictions and wage setting institutions the...
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Traditionelle Derivatbewertung -- Bewertung auf unvollständigen Märkten -- Wachstumsmaximierung -- Wachstumsorientierte Portfolioplanung -- Wachstumsorientierte Bewertung -- Wachstumsorientierte Reservationspreise -- Zusammenfassung.
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Over the last decades, technological progress has brought about a multitude of standardization problems. For instance, compatibility standards ensure the interoperability of goods, which is of decisive importance when users face positive externalities in consumption. Consumers' expectations are...
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Spatial Monopsony -- Simple Static Monopsony -- Short-Run Spatial Monopsony -- Long-Run Spatial Monopsony -- Spatial Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap -- Spatial Monopsony and Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap -- Dynamic Monopsony -- Simple Dynamic Monopsony -- A General Equilibrium...
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rigorous discussions and innovative solutions. The latter may find a few of the concepts a bit challenging. Yet, theory and … Constraints -- Dynamic Saving and Portfolio Decisions-Theory -- Asset Accumulation with Estimated Low Frequency Movements Asset …
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Vom Schuldenmachen zum Sparen -- Grundzüge einer Soziologie des Sparens -- Zehn Beispiele auf Basis der Systemtheorie … -- Kommunikative Vernunft als Leitfaden zum guten Sparen. …Die Autoren beschreiben in diesem Essential anhand von Beispielen Schwierigkeiten, die beim Sparen auftreten. Auf Basis …
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Theoretische Fundierung -- Ökonometrische Implikationen -- Untersuchungsmethoden -- Messung der relevanten Daten -- Stationarität und deskriptive Statistik -- Untersuchungsergebnisse -- Zusammenfassung, Beitrag und Ausblick.
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