Showing 1 - 10 of 136
Introduction -- Part I Fundamentals: Credit Derivatives and Markets -- Mathematical Preliminaries -- Part II Static Models: One Factor Gaussian Copula Model -- Normal Inverse Gaussian Factor Copula Model -- Part III: Term-Structure Models -- Large Homogeneous Cell Approximation for Factor Copula...
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Teil I: Replikation und verallgemeinerte Diskontierung: Ein-Perioden-Modelle -- Mehr-Perioden-Modelle -- Optionen, Futures und andere Derivate -- Teil II: Stochastische Analysis und verallgemeinerte Diskontierung: Diskrete stochastische Analysis -- Diskrete stochastische Finanzmathematik --...
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This book is the first comprehensive treatment of structural credit risk models for the simultaneous and consistent pricing of corporate securities. Through the development of a flexible economic framework based on the firm's EBIT, the reader is taken from the economic principles of firm value...
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Mean Reversion in Commodity Prices -- Fundamentals of Derivative Pricing -- Stochastic Volatility Models -- Integration of Jump Components -- Stochastic Equilibrium Level of the Underlying Process -- Deterministic Seasonality Effects -- Conclusion
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Risk: Is There a Unique Objective Measure? -- Expected Utility Theory -- Stochastic Dominance Decision Rules -- Stochastic Dominance: The Quantile Approach -- Algorithms for Stochastic Dominance -- Stochastic Dominance with Specific Distributions -- Almost Stochastic Dominance (ASD) --...
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This book aims to explore if and how securitisation changed financial intermediation and lending behaviour by reviewing the pre- and post-financial crisis theoretical and empirical literature. The book’s distinctive feature is bringing the growing post-crisis empirical evidence to the...
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Steuerliche Aspekte einer Verbriefungstransaktion -- Steuerliche Behandlung von Kreditverbriefungen in Deutschland -- Entwicklung eines umfassenden theoretischen Modells für Verbriefungsenscheidungen -- Sensitivitätsanalysen.
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Security concerns increasingly influence foreign aid: how Western countries give aid, to whom and why. With contributions from experts in the field, this book examines the impact of security issues on six of the world's largest aid donors, as well as on key crosscutting issues such as gender...
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Einleitung -- Theoretische Grundlagen -- Finanzmanagement der Kommunen -- Grundlagen von Asset-Backed Securities -- Theoretische Fundierung von Asset-Backed Securities -- Analyse zur Nutzung von Asset-Backed Securities als Finanzierungsalternative im kommunalen Sektor -- Methodisches Vorgehen --...
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Die Subprime-Krise am US-amerikanischen Markt für verbriefte zweitrangige Hypothekenforderungen hat verdeutlicht, dass verschiedene Friktionen in der Wertschöpfungskette von Verbriefungen bestehen. Julia Scholz untersucht verschiedene, bislang in der Literatur wenig beachtete, aber für die...
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