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This book explores the risk-return paradox in portfolio selection by incorporating multi-objective criteria. Empirical research is presented on the development of alternate portfolio models and their relative performance in the risk/return framework to provide solutions to multi-objective...
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This book examines sustainable wealth formation and dynamic decision-making. The global economy experienced a veritable meltdown of asset markets in the years 2007-9, where many funds were overexposed to risky returns and suffered considerable losses. On the other hand, the long-term upswing in...
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This book provides a new modeling approach for portfolio optimization problems involving a lack of sufficient historical data. The content mainly reflects the author’s extensive work on uncertainty portfolio optimization in recent years. Considering security returns as different variables, the...
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This book presents solutions to the general problem of single period portfolio optimization. It introduces different linear models, arising from different performance measures, and the mixed integer linear models resulting from the introduction of real features. Other linear models, such as...
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This book is a guide to asset and risk management from a practical point of view. It is centered around two questions triggered by the global events on the stock markets since the middle of the last decade: - Why do crashes happen when in theory they should not? - How do investors deal with such...
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Teil I: Replikation und verallgemeinerte Diskontierung: Ein-Perioden-Modelle -- Mehr-Perioden-Modelle -- Optionen, Futures und andere Derivate -- Teil II: Stochastische Analysis und verallgemeinerte Diskontierung: Diskrete stochastische Analysis -- Diskrete stochastische Finanzmathematik --...
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Risk budgeting models set risk diversification as objective in portfolio allocation and are mainly promoted from the asset management industry. Albina Unger examines the portfolios based on different risk measures in several aspects from the academic perspective (Utility, Performance, Risk,...
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Modellierung der Abhängigkeiten zwischen Ausfall, Verlustrate und Forderungshöhe bei Ausfall mit Faktoren und Copulae -- Multivariate Erweiterung des Heckman-Schätzers, um der Stichprobenselektion seitens der Verlustrate und der Forderungshöhe gerecht zu werden -- Empirische Befunde zur...
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Portfoliotheorie -- Arbitragefreie Ein-Perioden-Modelle und CAPM -- Value at Risk -- Kohärente Risikomaße und der Expected Shortfall -- Lösungen der Übungsaufgaben -- Index -- Literaturverzeichnis.
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This book criticizes the fact that profitability measures derived from capital market models such as the Sharpe ratio and the reward-to-VaR ratio are proposed for loan portfolios, although it is not proven whether their risk-return trade-offs are optimal for banks. The authors demonstrate that...
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