Showing 1 - 10 of 277
This book presents the latest findings on stochastic dynamic programming models and on solving optimal control problems in networks. It includes the authors’ new findings on determining the optimal solution of discrete optimal control problems in networks and on solving game variants of Markov...
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Supply Chain Planning and Coordination -- Coordination Mechanisms for Supply Chain Planning -- New Coordination Schemes -- New Coordination Mechanisms -- Computational Tests of Coordination Schemes -- Summary and Outlook
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" This book contains selected papers from the symposium ""Operations Research 2010"" which was held from September 1-3, 2010 at the ""Universität der Bundeswehr München"", Germany. The international conference, which also serves as the annual meeting of the German Operations Research Society...
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Optimization Theory and Algorithms -- On the Asymptotic Behavior of a System of Steepest Descent Equations Coupled by a Vanishing Mutual Repulsion -- Inverse Linear Programming -- Second-Order Conditions in C1,1 Vector Optimization with Inequality and Equality Constraints -- Benson Proper...
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Introduction and Motivation -- Optimality and Complementarity -- Some Microeconomic Principles -- Equilibria and Complementarity Problems -- Variational Inequality Problems -- Optimization Problems Constrained by Optimization Problems -- Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints --...
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Causality for Risk Analysts: Improving Our Understanding of How the World Works -- Improving Individual Risk Management Decisions: Learning from Experience and Coping with Model Uncertainty -- Improving Community Risk Management: Managing Disaster Risks -- Improving Organizational Risk...
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Preface -- Stream I: Continuous Optimization and Control -- Stream II: Discrete Optimization, Graphs and Networks -- Stream III: Decision Analysis, Decision Support -- Stream IV: Energy, Environment and Climate -- Stream V: Financial Modeling, Risk Management, Banking -- Stream VI: Game Theory,...
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This book presents the essential concepts of operations research and engineering management in a structured manner. Starting with the basic functions of management - planning, organizing, leading and controlling - it introduces the reader to the process of strategic decision-making, covering the...
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This book opens the door to multiobjective optimization for students in fields such as engineering, management, economics and applied mathematics. It offers a comprehensive introduction to multiobjective optimization, with a primary emphasis on multiobjective linear programming and...
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