Showing 1 - 10 of 2,064
Concept of -Cherry Junction Tree -- Robust Solutions under Uncertainty -- Induced Discounting and Risk Management -- Cost …
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regression. It presents the theory of and approaches to robust (conic) multivariate adaptive regression splines - R(C)MARS – and … implementation. It explains robust optimization in these models in terms of both the theory and methodology. In this context it …
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). Chapter 1 gives some basic introduction to uncertain theories, including probability theory, credibility theory, uncertainty … theory and chance theory. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive review and discussion of basic DEA models. The stochastic DEA is … chance theory is presented in Chapter 6. …
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Managing safety of diverse systems requires decision-making under uncertainties and risks. Such systems are typically characterized by spatio-temporal heterogeneities, inter-dependencies, externalities, endogenous risks, discontinuities, irreversibility, practically irreducible uncertainties,...
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The book introduces the New Keynesian framework, historically through a literature overview and through a step-by-step derivation of a New Keynesian Phillips curve, an intertemporal IS curve, and a targeting rule for the central bank. This basic version is then expanded by introducing cost and...
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prospect theory and its modified version, cumulative prospect theory. Each approach is discussed and compared. In addition … prospect theory and its modified version, cumulative prospect theory. These approaches are discussed and compared in this book … dominance rules and prospect theory, and establishes a new investment decision rule which combines the two and which we call …
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Here, two highly experienced authors present an alternative approach to optimal stopping problems. The basic ideas and techniques of the approach can be explained much simpler than the standard methods in the literature on optimal stopping problems. The monograph will teach the reader to apply...
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Random Set Theory -- Random Multiple Objective Decision Making -- Bi-random Multiple Objective Decision Making …
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Risk: Is There a Unique Objective Measure? -- Expected Utility Theory -- Stochastic Dominance Decision Rules … Distributions -- Almost Stochastic Dominance (ASD) -- Stochastic Dominance and Risk Measures -- Stochastic Dominance and … Dominance Approach -- Non-Expected Utility and Stochastic Dominance -- Stochastic Dominance and Prospect Theory -- Multivariate …
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Production and Operations Management: Models and Algorithms -- Graphical Modeling of Substitutions and Flexible Bills-of-Materials -- Literature Review -- Efficient Reformulations for Uncapacitated and Capacitated Lot-Sizing with Substitutions and Initial Inventories -- MIP-Based Heuristics for...
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