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This textbook is intended for an introductory graduate level on process control, taught in most engineering curricula. It focuses on the statistical techniques and methods of control and system optimization needed for the mathematical modeling, analysis, simulation, control and optimization of...
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The book is a benefit for graduate and postgraduate students in the areas of operations research, decision theory, optimization theory, linear algebra, interval analysis, and fuzzy sets. The book will also be useful for the researchers in the respective areas. The first part of the book deals...
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Sets, Relations and Preferences -- Linear Spaces and Transformations -- Topology and Convex Optimisation -- Differential Calculus and Smooth Optimisation -- Singularity Theory and General Equilibria -- Topology and Social Choice.
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Introduction and Motivation -- Optimality and Complementarity -- Some Microeconomic Principles -- Equilibria and Complementarity Problems -- Variational Inequality Problems -- Optimization Problems Constrained by Optimization Problems -- Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints --...
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Tonality -- An Abbreviated Survey -- The Spiral Array -- The CEG Algorithm (Part I) -- The CEG Algorithm (Part II): Validation -- Determining Key Boundaries -- Argus Segmentation Method -- Real-Time Pitch Spelling -- MuSA.RT -- Visible Humor -- Sensitivity Analysis -- Model Calibration -- CEG...
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In der Finanzwelt ist der Einsatz von Finanzderivaten zu einem unentbehrlichen Hilfsmittel zur Absicherung von Risiken geworden. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende der (Finanz-) Mathematik und der Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Hauptstudium, die mehr über Finanzderivate und ihre...
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use of Excel, a tool that virtually all students and professionals have access to. The explanations are focused on …
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This book is written for the students and practitioners who are looking for a single introductory Excel-based resource … to use Excel tools are provided. After many years of teaching and consulting, it is abundantly clear to me that for most …
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, it is accompanied by an interactive software package - developed by the authors for Windows platforms - which can be used …
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