Showing 1 - 10 of 2,159
Preisbildung an Aktienmärkten -- Ausgewählte empirische Untersuchungen zur Erklärung von Information Mirages -- Information Mirages an experimentellen Wertpapierbörsen -- Methodik zur Analyse von Information Mirages an der Computerbörse CAT -- Spezifikation der Information Mirages an der...
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Risk and Emotions -- Financial Market Volatility -- Behavioural Finance -- VIX Index. … future development of financial market volatility. Furthermore, it is proven that there is no statistically significant …. Obviously, there must be at least one additional variable that has a strong influence on market volatility such as emotions …
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This book proposes new methods to value equity and model the Markowitz efficient frontier using Markov switching models and provide new evidence and solutions to capture the persistence observed in stock returns across developed and emerging markets
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This book presents methodologies for the Bayesian estimation of GARCH models and their application to financial risk management. The study of these models from a Bayesian viewpoint is relatively recent and can be considered very promising due to the advantages of the Bayesian approach, in...
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Integrated Volatility -- Zero-inflated Data Generation Processes -- Algorithmic Text Forecasting. …-by-tick asset prices to forecast the risk of upcoming volatility shocks. Holger Kömm embeds the proposed strategy in a monitoring … system, using first, a sequence of competing estimators to compute the unobservable volatility; second, a new two …
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-arbitrage relations through the correlation structure of interest rates. Therefore, unspanned stochastic volatility (USV) as well as … between the bond price dynamics and the subordinated stochastic volatility process, whereas Random Field models allow for a …
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Die empirische Kapitalmarktforschung beobachtet in den Volatilitäten von Aktienkursrenditen immer wieder eine lang anhaltende Abhängigkeitsstruktur, ein so genanntes langes Gedächtnis. Dieses hat weit reichende Konsequenzen. Beispielsweise verkompliziert ein tatsächlich vorliegendes langes...
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Charakteristisch für Emerging Markets sind hohe Aktienrenditen und eine geringe Korrelation mit den Aktienrenditen der entwickelten Märkte, so dass durch Diversifikation der Investmentanlagen eine Verringerung des Portfoliorisikos erreicht werden kann. Die zunehmende Integration...
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This book provides a comprehensive analysis of asset price movement. It examines different aspects of stock return predictability, the interaction between stock return and dividend growth predictability, the relationship between stocks and bonds, and the resulting implications for asset price...
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