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This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to the world of consumption, covering different topics and including … sociological, economic and marketing aspects. The term ‘consumption’ is vague and even in academic disciplines the term is used in … a variety of ways. Consumption research asks how earnings and spending are related to each other. More generally …
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This volume is concerned with the complexities of the relationship between globalization and different groups of consumers in developing countries. Globalization, it is argued, can yield frustration and disappointment as well as welfare gains for consumers; it may, but does not necessarily,...
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Marcel Schützenmeister zeigt in dem Buch theoretisch auf, unter welchen Bedingungen die Geldpolitik einen unmittelbaren Einfluss auf die Wohnimmobilien- und private Konsumnachfrage in einer Ökonomie ausübt. Eine weitere zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass bei Erfüllung dieser Bedingungen die...
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This book offers a novel perspective that allows to incorporate changing consumption and production structure into … models of economic growth. Starting from the empirical observation that income and consumption structure are closely related …This book offers a novel perspective that allows to incorporate changing consumption and production structure into …
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on the author’s first-hand observations of the metamorphosis of the consumers and consumption in China over the last …
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ways in which consumption and everyday life change in the course of economic development. …
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Expenditure Surveys -- Stability of U.S. Consumption Expenditure Patterns: 1996-1999 -- Price and Income Elasticities Estimated …-Series Data from National Income and Product Accounts -- Analysis of Time-Series Data on Personal Consumption Expenditures from …, Income, and Consumption Behavior is now fully updated and expanded for a new generation. Consumption expenditures by …
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Veränderungen auf das Verhalten (endogene Präferenzen) Theoretische Grundlagen einer heterodoxen Konsumtheorie Entwicklung eines … und Studierende der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit den Schwerpunkten Verhaltenstheorie, Konsumtheorie und …
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credit alternatives in managing their consumption and savings and suggests areas for future research …
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wird anhand aktueller technischer und gesellschaftlicher Trends ein kurzer Ausblick auf den Konsum der Zukunft vorgenommen … industriellen Konsumwandels Wesentliche Merkmale des modernen Massenkonsums Ausblick auf den Konsum der Zukunft Die Zielgruppen …. Er promoviert an der Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg zum Thema "Nachhaltiger Konsum unter Genderperspektive“ …
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