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We examine liquidity creation per unit of assets by banks subject to the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) using the … liquidity measures Liquidity Mismatch Index (LMI) (Bai et al., 2018) and BB (Berger and Bouwman, 2009). We identify the LCR …. We find that, since 2013, there has been reduced liquidity creation by LCR banks compared to non-LCR banks, occurring …
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The Federal Reserve established a new Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) in March 2020, to allow primary dealers to support smooth market functioning and facilitate the availability of credit to businesses and households, in the face of deteriorating conditions in the market for triparty repo...
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We make use of Shared National Credit Program (SNC) data to examine syndicated loans in which the lead arranger retains no stake. We find that the lead arranger sells its entire loan share for 27 percent of term loans and 48 percent of Term B loans, typically shortly after syndication. In...
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Why does the market discipline that banks face seem too weak during good times and too strong during bad times? This paper shows that using rollover risk as a disciplining device is effective only if all banks face purely idiosyncratic risk. However, if banks' assets are correlated, a two-sided...
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Banks hold liquid and illiquid assets. An illiquid bank that receives a liquidity shock sells assets to liquid banks in … the market equilibrium is constrained inefficient, with too little liquidity and inefficient hoarding. Our model features … a precautionary as well as a speculative motive for hoarding liquidity, but the inefficiency of liquidity provision can …
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We study credit ratings on subprime and Alt-A mortgage-backed-securities (MBS) deals issued between 2001 and 2007, the period leading up to the subprime crisis. The fraction of highly rated securities in each deal is decreasing in mortgage credit risk (measured either ex ante or ex post),...
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We address two questions: (i) Are bank capital structure and value correlated in the cross section, and if so, how? (ii) If bank capital does affect bank value, how are the components of bank value affected by capital? We first develop a dynamic model with a dissipative cost of bank capital that...
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Standard factor pricing models do not capture well the common time-series or cross-sectional variation in average returns of financial stocks. We propose a five-factor asset pricing model that complements the standard Fama and French (1993) three-factor model with a financial sector ROE factor...
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This study provides an empirical analysis of the impact of Wisconsin and Ohio pension cut legislation on values of banks operating in Wisconsin and Ohio, banks operating in other states in which pension cut legislation was being considered as Wisconsin and Ohio went through its legislative...
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In a market-based financial system, banking and capital market developments are inseparable, and funding conditions are … closely tied to fluctuations in the leverage of market-based financial intermediaries. Offering a window on liquidity, the …
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