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This article presents a command, indirect, for the estimation of effects of multiple treatments in the absence of randomized controlled trials for direct comparisons of interventions. Copyright 2014 by StataCorp LP.
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This article presents a Stata program (sensatt) that implements the sensitivity analysis for matching estimators proposed by Ichino, Mealli, and Nannicini (Journal of Applied Econometrics , forthcoming). The analysis simulates a potential confounder to assess the robustness of the estimated...
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Somers' D is an asymmetric measure of association between two variables, which plays a central role as a parameter behind rank or nonparametric statistical methods. Given predictor variable X and outcome variable Y, we may estimate D(YX) as a measure of the effect of X on Y, or we may estimate...
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Problems with inferring causal relationships from nonexperimental data are briefly reviewed, and four broad classes of methods designed to allow estimation of and inference about causal parameters are described: panel regression, matching or reweighting, instrumental variables, and regression...
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I present a program, censlope, for calculating confidence intervals for generalized Theil–Sen median (and other percentile) slopes (and per-unit ratios) of Y with respect to X. The confidence intervals are robust to the possibility that the conditional population distributions of Y, given...
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In this paper, we give a short overview of some propensity score matching estimators suggested in the evaluation literature, and we provide a set of Stata programs,which we illustrate using the National Supported Work (NSW) demonstration widely known in labor economics. Copyright 2002 by Stata...
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This article describes the implementation of a double-robust estimator for pretest-posttest studies (Lunceford and Davidian, 2004, Statistics in Medicine 23: 2937-2960) and presents a new Stata command (dr) that carries out the procedure. A double-robust estimator gives the analyst two...
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Reweighting is a popular statistical technique to deal with inference in the presence of a nonrandom sample, and various reweighting estimators have been proposed in the literature. This article presents the user-written command treatrew, which implements reweighting on the propensity-score...
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We present a new Stata command, bmte (bias-minimizing treatment effects), that implements two new estimators proposed in Millimet and Tchernis (2013, Journal of Applied Econometrics 28: 982–1017) and designed to estimate the effect of treatment when selection on unobserved variables exists and...
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