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This editorial describes a special issue of Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology that presents a full report on an international competition on mass spectrometry proteomic diagnosis, recently organised at the Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands.
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The paper presents two analyzes of the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry dataset. Both analyzes use the support vector machine as a tool to build a prediction model. The first analysis which is our contribution to the competition uses the given spectra data without further processing. In the second...
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The performance results of a wide range of different classifiers applied to proteomic mass spectra data, in a blind comparative assessment organised by Bart Mertens, are reviewed. The different approaches are summarised, issues of how to evaluate and compare the predictions are described, and...
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In a recent article in PLoS Genetics, Bock et al., (2006) undertake an extensive computational epigenetics analysis of the ability of DNA sequence-derived features, capturing attributes such as tetramer frequencies, repeats and predicted structure, to predict the methylation status of CpG...
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This note is a comment on the article "Dimension Reduction for Classification with Gene Expression Microarray Data …
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This paper gives a description of the structure of the classification competition on mass spectrometry proteomic data …
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metabolomics studies. As a classification method, Principal Component Discriminant Analysis is used; however, the methodology can … biomarkers are identified using the variable selection method. In each cross-validation loop a classification model is built. The … final classification uses a majority voting scheme from the ensemble classifier. …
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We demonstrate a concept and implementation of a compendium for the classification of high-dimensional data from …
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between two classes of samples, for example between tumour types. Users are confronted with a multitude of classification … compare important characteristics of a range of classification methods, including simple univariate filtering, penalised … likelihood methods and the random forest.Classification accuracy is an important characteristic, but the biological …
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wrapper method starts from any classification algorithm and weights each variable (i.e. gene) relative to its efficiency for … classification. An optimization procedure is then inferred which exhibits important genes for the studied biological process. Theory … and application with the SVM classifier were presented in Gadat and Younes, 2007 and we extend this method with CART. The …
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