Showing 1 - 10 of 19
We consider a neutral dynamical model of biological diversity, where individuals live and reproduce independently. They have i.i.d. lifetime durations (which are not necessarily exponentially distributed) and give birth (singly) at constant rate b. Such a genealogical tree is usually called a...
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We study the Wiener–Hopf factorization for Lévy processes with bounded positive jumps and arbitrary negative jumps. We prove that the positive Wiener–Hopf factor can be expressed as an infinite product involving solutions to the equation ψ(z)=q, where ψ is the Laplace exponent. Under...
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We consider a supercritical branching population, where individuals have i.i.d. lifetime durations (which are not necessarily exponentially distributed) and give birth (singly) at constant rate. We assume that individuals independently experience neutral mutations, at constant rate θ during...
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This paper studies game-type credit default swaps that allow the protection buyer and seller to raise or reduce their respective positions once prior to default. This leads to the study of an optimal stopping game subject to early default termination. Under a structural credit risk model based...
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We consider the class of continuous-state branching processes with immigration (CBI-processes), introduced by Kawazu and Watanabe (1971) [10] and their limit distributions as time tends to infinity. We determine the Lévy–Khintchine triplet of the limit distribution and give an explicit...
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We study a two-dimensional joint distribution related to the first passage time below a level for a continuous-state branching process with immigration. We provide an explicit expression of its Laplace transform and obtain a necessary and sufficient criterion for transience or recurrence. We...
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By using lower bound conditions of the Lévy measure w.r.t. a nice reference measure, the coupling and strong Feller properties are investigated for the Markov semigroup associated with a class of linear SDEs driven by (non-cylindrical) Lévy processes on a Banach space. Unlike in the...
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We derive explicit formulas for the Mellin transform and the distribution of the exponential functional for Lévy processes with rational Laplace exponent. This extends recent results by Cai and Kou [3] on the processes with hyper-exponential jumps.
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We prove the Local Asymptotic Mixed Normality property from high frequency observations, of a continuous time process solution of a stochastic differential equation driven by a pure jump Lévy process. The process is observed on the fixed time interval [0,1] and the parameter appears in the...
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We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a d-dimensional Lévy process to be in the matrix normalized domain of attraction of a d-dimensional normal random vector, as t↓0. This transfers to the Lévy case classical results of Feller, Khinchin, Lévy and Hahn and Klass for random walks....
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