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The paper is aimed to deliver an abstract view on the concept of model, generally, as well as on the economic model concept. In this end, the authors identify the minimal list of sufficiency predicates that qualify an intellectual artefact as a model of the reality (bot objective and...
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The functionality of the community institutions is supported by the community budget with the aim to accomplish the goals of the community policies agreed at the level of the head of states and governments from the EU member states. The purpose of these policies focuses on the accomplishment of...
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The purpose of the research project was to identify the methodological bases for the aggregate description of the Romanian national economy, both logically and in terms of the sources of empirical data for modelling. The specific objectives of the project were: a) description of the economic...
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Paradigma optimalităţii în dezvoltarea economică sau socială şi-a demonstrat caracterul inadecvat şi, în consecinţă, trebuie înlocuită c paradigma sustenabilităţii. În acest context, studiul are drept scop propunerea unor proceduri şi instrumente prin intermediul cărora să se...
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Lucrarea se concentrează pe modul în care evaziunea fiscală (sau frauda fiscală) sunt sau pot fi generate de contabilitatea financiară, la nivel organizaţional. În context, sunt dezbătute într-o manieră polemică conceptul şi cauzele evaziunii fiscale pentru a stabili cadrul...
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The issue of the epistemological state of the economic science is one in process. The economic science is the victim of an epistemological and especially methodological imperialism exerted by the natural sciences (mainly by the non-relativistic physics) and, at the same time, is the author of an...
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The study aims to discuss especially the matter of economic gap in general, and of the budget gap in particular (the difference between revenues and expenditures, being planned at either the level actually achieved). To this end, it proposes a number of classification criteria that are used to...
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Studiul se doreşte a fi o incursiune succintă în problematica unor efecte pe care actuala criză financiară şi economică internaţională le exercită asupra principalelor variabile macroeconomice specifice economiei reale. În acest scop, sunt evaluate influenţele directe şi indirecte,...
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The evaluation of the budget process reform with the European Union is done by analysis at three levels: the budget process, the revenues to the budget and the expenditure form the budget. Each level was first diagnosed and then analysed in a critical manner. A third chapter is devoted to some...
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The article sets out the main lessons that we have to consider from the onset and generalized financial and economic crisis of August 2007. The main emphasis is on conceptual and impact assessment of the principle of "too big to fail". Identify reasons for that principle should (or can be)...
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