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We develop a methodology for detecting asset bubbles using a neural network. We rely on the theory of local martingales in continuous-time and use a deep network to estimate the diffusion coefficient of the price process more accurately than the current estimator, obtaining an improved detection...
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We study general undiscounted asset price processes, which are only assumed to be non- negative, adapted and RCLL (but not a priori semimartingales). Traders are allowed to use simple (piecewise constant) strategies. We prove that under a discounting-invariant condition of absence of arbitrage,...
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characterisations of our concepts in terms of martingale properties. A key new feature is that as one expects, “properly anticipated …
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We study the set of marginal utility-based prices of a financial derivative in the case where the investor has a non-replicable random endowment. We provide an example showing that even in the simplest of settings - such as Samuelson's geometric Brownian motion model - the interval of marginal...
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expectations equilibria, we argue that this carries over to the finite time “strict local martingale”-approach to bubbles. Our …
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We investigate a deterministic criterion to determine whether a diffusive local martingale with a single jump and state …-dependent characteristics is a uniformly integrable martingale. We allow the diffusion coefficient, the jump hazard rate and the relative jump … size to depend on the state and prove that the process is a uniformly integrable martingale if and only if the relative …
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martingale optimal transport problem is proved. The financial market is modeled through a risky asset whose price is only assumed … given, fi xed maturity. The dual is a Monge-Kantorovich type martingale transport problem of maximizing the expected value … of the option over all martingale measures that has the given marginal at maturity. In addition to duality, a family of …
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of singular measures corresponding to a general form of volatility uncertainty. We derive a càdlàg nonlinear martingale … similar to the optional decomposition. Furthermore, we prove an optional sampling theorem for the nonlinear martingale and …
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This paper considers the nonlinear theory of G-martingales as introduced by Peng in [16, 17]. A martingale …
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deterministic function up to a random time γ at which they jump and stay constant afterwards. The (local) martingale properties of … application, we provide a construction of a (uniformly integrable) martingale M and a bounded (deterministic) integrand H such … that the stochastic integral H • M is a strict local martingale. Moreover, we characterise all local martingale deflators …
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