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This paper models the competition of user networks as a continuous-time Markov process. It presents a dynamic version of the Discrete Choice Analysis with state-dependent choice probabilities. Among other things, we show that the network competition can be characterized by the coexistence of...
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This paper analyzes the patenting decision of a successful inventor in a model of dynamic technology adoption with asymmetric firms. We show that the extent of the inventor's technological headstart is decisive for his patenting behavior. The overall patenting effect consists of two parts, a...
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This paper extends the standard quality ladder model of innovation and quality growth by allowing for heterogeneous industries. This enables us not only to deal with the Schumpeterian hypothesis about market power and innovation, but also to analyze industry specific demand pull and technology...
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This paper presents a general-equilibrium model of Innovation, endogenous growth, and unemployment in a disaggregated economy. Unemployment is analyzed w ithin a dual labor market setting, where the labor market is consisting of a primary high-wage and a secondary low-wage sector. The...
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Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird untersucht, ob die Volkswirtschaftslehre einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Fundierung einer vorausschauend lenkenden Strukturpolitik leisten kann. Zu diesem Zweck werden vier ausgewählte Theorien auf ihre Eignung als Basis einer vorausschauend lenkenden...
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