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Inspired by the theory of social imitation (Weidlich 1970) and its adaptation to financial markets by the Coherent Market Hypothesis (Vaga 1990), we present a behavioral model of stock prices that supports the overreaction hypothesis. Using our dynamic stock price model, we develop a two factor...
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We focus on a preference based approach when pricing options in a market driven by fractional Brownian motion. Within this framework we derive formulae for fractional European options using the traditional idea of conditional expectation. The obtained formulae - as well as further results -...
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Mellin transforms in option pricing theory were introduced by Panini and Srivastav (2004). In this contribution, we generalize their results to European power options. We derive Black-Scholes-Merton-like valuation formulas for European power put options using Mellin transforms. Thereafter, we...
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We extend a framework based on Mellin transforms and show how to modify the approach to value American call options on dividend paying stocks. We present a new integral equation to determine the price of an American call option and its free boundary using modi ed Mellin transforms. We also show...
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We are concerned with the valuation of European options in Heston's stochastic volatility model with correlation. Based on Mellin transforms we present new closed-form solutions for the price of European options and hedging parameters. In contrast to Fourier-based approaches where the...
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In this paper, we reexamine and extend the stochastic volatility model of Stein and Stein (1991) where volatility follows a mean-reversion Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Using Fourier inversion techniques we are able to allow for correlation between instan-taneous volatilities and the underlying...
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In this paper we follow a different approach by taking a first step towards an option valuation model which does not explicitly make use of unobservable State variables. Instead of using a stochastic variance variable directly, we assume that the variance of stock returns is determined by the...
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In this paper it is illustrated how option-based valuation can be used to determine whether and when a firm should patent and adopt an Innovation if the arrival time of competitors is stochastic. Four distinct strategies are derived: Apply for a patent without introducing the new technology...
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Die Bewertung von Derivaten über ein replizierendes Portfolio führt häufig zu einer Differentialgleichung, welche analytisch nicht lösbar ist. Eine Lösung kann nur mit Hilfe von numerischen Verfahren gefunden werden. Finite Differenzenverfahren sind insbesondere geeignet,...
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In this paper we addressed the problem of determining the optimal replicating strategy for a European call option under differential transactions costs. We derived an upper boundary for the cost factor in a market where all Investors face the same factor. This upper boundary ensures the...
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