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evidence of large heterogeneities among demographic groups. Interestingly, unemployment rates in levels across demographic … groups are not necessarily aligned with the sensitivity of these demographic groups’ (un)employment and participation rates …
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unemployment that is in line with this empirical regularity and the findings for the other emerging markets and regional peers. We … European debt crisis. When investigating whether various expenditure components of GDP may cause different unemployment … improve forecasting of unemployment. …
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-employment to analyze the implications of introducing universal unemployment protection for informal workers through transfers …, which are conditional on participation in training programs. We study how changes in unemployment benefits (UB) for … increasing training UB reduces unprotected unemployment and improves labor market outcomes through higher formal salaried …
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Wages are only mildly cyclical, implying that shocks to labour demand have a larger short-run impact on unemployment …
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, greater average firm productivity, a larger formal employment share, and a marginally lower unemployment rate. …
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firms are more cyclically sensitive to unemployment. Besides, the VAR impulse response analysis suggests that workers move …
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The Hodrick-Prescott filter is a popular tool in macroeconomics for decomposing a time series into a smooth trend and a business cycle component. The last few years have witnessed global events, such as the Global Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine, that have had...
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What are the consequences of green industrialization on the labour market and industry dynamics? This paper tackles and quantifies this question by employing observable and reliable data on green manufacturing production for an extensive set of EU countries and 4-digit manufacturing industries...
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We analyze shocks to productivity, collateral constraint (credit shock), firm operation, and labor disutility in a model of firm dynamics with entry and exit. Shocks to firm operation and labor disutility capture COVID-19 lockdowns. Compared to the productivity shock, the credit and the lockdown...
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In this paper, we examine whether acquiring citizenship improves the economic assimilation of Canadian migrants. We took advantage of a natural experiment made possible through changes in the Canadian Citizenship Act of 2014, which extended the physical presence requirement for citizenship from...
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